This is my new page where you can ask me for a art request or (if you want to) commission some art from me! I will only hold 5 spots open and this is the rule. Commissions always comes first. Other whise I can draw anything you want! Aslong as it's thumbs up in my book.
Things I will allow my self to draw.
-Cute stuff.
-Mild Gore. (some bleeding and wounds)
-Adult content.
Things I will not allow myself to draw:
-Heavy gore (decapitated libs or head)
How to submit a request:
1. Upload a refference of your oc on this page. (gotta be a decent size so I can see what colours you have. Can't be 10x10 pixels.) If you see a thumbs up then I am on your request/commission.
2. Tell me if you want it digital or on pen and paper. (Pen and paper is the fastest/easiest but Digital will look better.)
3. Choose out what you want:
-Pony or Anthro
4. I will send you the finished artwork once I am done.
How to submit a comission:
1. Upload a refference of your oc on this page. (gotta be a decent size so I can see what colours you have. Can't be 10x10 pixels.) If you see a thumbs up then I am on your request/commission.
2. Do you want more oc's in it then just tell me.
3. Choose out what you want:
-Pony or Anthro
4. I will send you a sketch in pm to see if you like it or not. If not I will redraw it.
5. If happy with the sketch, send the money we agreed on to my pay pal. and then within from 9 hours to 1-3 days your art will be done. Shaded, backgrounded and detailed.
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Vexyuzz ShieldFounder