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Nitroxus Soulspins Antique FourHooves
*Nitroxus rode on a magical playing piano and it flew itself to the pony. He smiled once he was near the pony and climbed off the piano. He then passed them a large gift.* Happy Birthday!
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And For this year’s Nigtmare night, Antique decided to dress up as his favourite character, Daring Do.
“So, what have you dressed up as?” He asks before playing with the whip on his hind hoof
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I finally received my Christmas card from Comp! Thanks for the Christmas card lad *hugs* I shall treasure it!
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The ghostling would continue to stare at Antique waiting for them to fix their brightness as he also waited for them to start their intro
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The ghostling appeared staring at Antique "Happy birthday! Sadly don't have cake but i do have more fun fact's! Did you know that There's 17 way's in dragon to say Surrender ?"
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Antique would look a the in shock and drop the gift he had been recently given when his telekinesis failed him.He then started screaming before teleporting away leaving the gift behind.
November 1, 2020
Antique would look at the ghostling in shock and started screaming again before noticing his gift on the ghostling’s head.He levitated the gift off the ghostling’s head and onto his back before sheepishly saying:”Thanks,I kinda forgot about that....” and gave him a quick hug before teleporting away ... View More
November 1, 2020
*Nitroxus spun out of the ground and landed in front of the pony. He soon smiled to them. He then passed a large gift over to them.* Happy Birthday!
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Antique’s face brightened up upon Nitroxus’s gesture.”Ooh!!!Thank you!!” He squealed as he levitated the gift in front of his face. “Ooh,you shouldn’t have bought me a gift,a “happy birthday” would’ve suffice,but thanks!!”Antique said as he hugged Nitroxus
November 1, 2020
*Inside was the one gift that he truly wanted.* Well I just wanted to make you smile.
November 2, 2020
*Nitroxus floated down from an assortment of balloons and land on the ground with a bow.* Hello, I hope you enjoy your time here.
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I’m heading back to the Canterlot train station... *he levitates a pocket watch from his Overcoat’s inner pocket to take a glance at it before stowing it back* ...maybe the Canterlot post office too
June 20, 2020
Likewise lad.*he turns his head till it faces Nitroxus and tips his Stetson in his direction* enjoy the cupcakes
June 20, 2020
What a strange pony....Still,could’ve been worse. Antique muttered to himself while levitating his pocket watch out from his inner coat once again
June 21, 2020
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