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Velvet Softheart

Female. Born on March 8
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Nitroxus Soulspins
*Nitroxus walked inside of a giant tire toward the pony. He soon smiled to them as he stopped. He then passed a large gift over to them.* Happy Birthday!
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Nitroxus Soulspins
*Nitroxus crouched down and spindash toward the pony. He stopped right in front of the pony and smiled. He then passed over a large gift to them.* Happy Birthday!
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Velvet Softheart
Edit: No more for now, thanks! Anyone want a free cheeb on this base? I'll do 2-3.
9 people like this.
Can you do mine but with her hood down so they see her horn
Like April 8, 2023 Edited
Velvet Softheart
I don't know what her mane looks like under the hood, so I just added the horn.
Like April 11, 2023
Ah forgot the detailed of that but she look amazing I am saving that Image if that is Okay
Like April 11, 2023 Edited
Velvet Softheart
Like April 12, 2023
Lord Kronak Leatherman
...........hello. If you could possibly do mine......
Like April 9, 2023
View 1 more reply
Lord Kronak Leatherman
Like April 15, 2023
Lord Kronak Leatherman
Hol up
Like April 15, 2023
Lord Kronak Leatherman
Close as I can get
Like April 15, 2023
Briea Lyn Miller
Do me please!
Like April 11, 2023
Velvet Softheart
Like April 13, 2023
Briea Lyn Miller
heya! sorry for taking so long to see this! love it so much! thank you!
Like September 13, 2023
Meh, why not
Like April 12, 2023
Velvet Softheart
Smol Me (Base Edit)
Velvet Softheart
Main character from that fan fiction I haven't written yet.
Velvet Softheart
Piece from 2017
7 people like this.
Snow Storm
Bacon pike?
Like March 15, 2023
Velvet Softheart
They requested them cooking bacon on a shovel. Lol
Like March 15, 2023
Snow Storm
Huh not a bad idea.
Like March 15, 2023
Velvet Softheart
Some Zephyrina fan art from last year.
6 people like this.
Like March 14, 2023
Velvet Softheart
Just me, doing some expression. My mane has changed since this image, but that’s my face!
9 people like this.
Very nicely done!
Like March 14, 2023
Creamy Eclair
Like March 14, 2023
beautiful :)
Like March 14, 2023
Nitroxus Soulspins
*Nitroxus climbed down a tree and looked around to the creature. He soon smiled to them. He then passed a large gift over to them.* Happy Birthday!
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Velvet Softheart
*Velvet smiled and let out a small gasp if in surprise* "Thank you! How did you know?" *She held the box to her chest*
Like March 13, 2023
Nitroxus Soulspins
Know about your birthday? That's info from the magical gift giving tree. So, are you going to open your gift?
Like March 13, 2023
Nitroxus Soulspins
*Nitroxus floated down to the ground with the help of an umbrella. He soon smiled to the pony. He then passed a large gift over to them.* Happy Birthday!
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