(Finally, small latina bug lore. Some things might change later but this is all I have for now.)
Proxilia Ramirez, known as Ramirez to most, is a changeling pony hybrid born in the packed city of Baltimare. Not much is known about her parents other then her father being a changeling and her mother, judging by her accent, was a Trottingham local (she may or may not have been a unicorn)
At the age of 10, Ramirez along with her father moved from the city to the peaceful and quiet town of Ponyville due to bullying issues received due to her being a changeling (ponies back then still held a grudge to her kind, especially after the failed attack on Canterlot). Although it took some time for the residents of Ponyville to get used to having a changeling in town, one without a disguise no less, they would eventually warm up and even take a liking to her.
When Ramirez graduated high school, she decided to follow in her father's hoofsteps and decided to join the Royal Guard (who, at the time, was the first ever changeling to be in the guard). But, just like her father, the ponies in charge made sure she would struggle to the point where she might have given up and quit. Through sheer determination, sweat, blood, and tears, Ramirez surprise everypony and pulled through. She would become the second changeling to ever join the guard.
By the time she left the guard, she had had two deployments in Saddle Arabia and one in the former changeling hive in the aftermath of Chrysalis's reign. It wasn't easy going back to civilian life, but she managed to make it work.
Later on, Ramirez decided to settle down and start a family. She had gotten married and ended up having 3 kids: Thumbtack (the oldest in the family), Zinc (the middle child), and Jasper (the youngest in the family). Not a lot is known about what happened afterwards, and she plans on keeping it that way, but she would later become a single mother of 3.
With Thumbtack in the Royal Guard, and Zinc in collage over in Canterlot, Ramirez now spends most of her time with her youngest son Jasper or over at the town's marketplace to where she owns and runs a small food stand.
In the words of Forrest Gump: "That's all I got to say about that."