The best of them all; the one who defeated every bad to ever come; the one who could make any food perfectly without the recipe; the one who could beat even the fastest racing Pegasus'; the one who co... View MoreThe best of them all; the one who defeated every bad to ever come; the one who could make any food perfectly without the recipe; the one who could beat even the fastest racing Pegasus'; the one who could easily replace the rulers of Equestria walked out of her home.
Maybe, but Melody also walked out. Melody, dear sweet Melody who was afraid of her own shadow at times, started walking down the street as she hummed softly to herself. If this was some sort of fun, animated children's show she would've burst into a song. But she didn't. Instead she stopped in the middle of the lane, and she began to stand there, observing other ponies. Pony watching was fun.