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Female. Lives in  Canterlot,  Equestria. Born on February 18, 2002
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Narrative Multi-Paragraph
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The Castle
172 Members
Nitroxus Soulspins
*Nitroxus rockets out of a black pipe that was above. He would soon smile at them. He then passed a large gift over.* Happy Birthday!
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Nitroxus Soulspins
*Nitroxus rode on a magical carpet and flew to them. He soon smiled to them. He then passed a large gift over to them.* Happy Birthday!
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Rough Winds
my god cambia was right, nitro truly is a bot
Like February 18, 2023
Nitroxus Soulspins
*As technology slowly cover the green mare, she would whimper.* I need help....
Like February 19, 2023
Nitroxus Soulspins
*Nitroxus slid down a rope from his hot air balloon. He soon smiled to them. He then passed a large gift over to them.* Happy Birthday!
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Nitroxus Soulspins
*Nitroxus aimed a cannon toward the pony and fired himself to them. He soon smiled to them. He then passed a large gift over to them.* Happy Birthday!
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“Who’s ready for another year of my shenanigans?” She giggled, blowing a party horn but instead of the usual bleat it instead made a meowing sound.
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Deactive user
Twisted nods "More chocolate rain please"
Like December 31, 2019
She took out a note pad and a quill and noted it. “Of course. “
Like December 31, 2019
Deactive user
"And cotton candy clouds and I was thinking maybe turn all the ropes in town to nerds ropes." He thinks "Replace all the town's pencils with twizzlers too"
Like December 31, 2019
Bright Brave
Like December 31, 2019
“Another time for a Chaos Question! What if I were to change every animals sound? Dogs goes “oink” and cats go “neigh” and pigs say “HONK” and- well you get the idea.” She smiled and pet the dog she w... View More
“Darlings... it’s been so long and I am so so so happy to be back to bring some chao- er, um, some happiness into my dear friends days now. “ she smiled innocently, sitting down whilst behind her a ra... View More
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Maxh Vezpyre
It's noodle chaos gurl, back to do the dancing.
Like December 27, 2019
“Lets do it.”
Like December 27, 2019
The Outsider
Zerathur continued to drink the crying coffee. He's already used to hear the cries of the grass when he steps on it, this is nothing when compared to that.
Like December 27, 2019
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The Outsider
He stared silently at his coffee for a second, thoughtful, before looking back up at her. "I'm not one to worship gods or goddesses. What I do praise, however, are those who do good deeds." He took a sip from his mug and smiled lightly. "You might be chaotic, and while I know you very little, you se... View More
Like December 27, 2019
She grinned at him, as if he had just stroked her ego, which he did, so she nodded. But then there was the slight blush that was on her cheeks. Some pony thought she was good. The thought repeated itself through her mind. “Thank you. “
Like December 27, 2019
The Outsider
"Aye." He raised his mug and then lowered it back down to take a long sip, finishing it off. He let his energies flow a little more freely and used them to warp away the mug and the glass jar, having drunk enough coffee for the day. "Sadly, I can't offer more than coffee and words. Maybe... Food? Bu... View More
Like December 27, 2019
Polo Fastter
polo yeet his pasta at someone randomly
Like December 27, 2019
Eris clapped. “You’ve got the spirit!” Then she mumbled to herself, “Even if you’re a little confused...” the pasta would now act like worms as they begun to eat each other like the cereal in Cinnamon Toast Crunch.
Like December 27, 2019
Polo Fastter
polo pulled out a suitcase and a hat and leaves the area while saying "nope"
Like December 27, 2019
Eris looked rather bashful as she mumbled, "Can somepony help me find my special somepony? Please?"
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Vanil conjures up a magic hand and sassily snap its fingers at Eris "Pony? Girl, you need an Outer God!"
Like August 3, 2019
She blinked and nodded. "Yes. Yes I do. Let's find us!"
Like August 3, 2019
((*one not us
Like August 3, 2019
"This is an impossible request..."
Like August 3, 2019
"Thanks for the optimism!"
Like August 3, 2019
"I can sure try!" She said with a smile
Like August 3, 2019
Rough Winds
"Im sure with all your godlike powers you´ll have no problem with that"
Like August 3, 2019
Eris blinked a few times then released a bunch of screaming flowers into the wild. "They're an endangered species. " no. No they aren't.
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((Should've been screaming butterflies.
Like August 3, 2019
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(Tis a band joke
Like August 3, 2019
(( many band jokes. The screaming flowers was a choir joke too XD
Like August 3, 2019
((Ahh yasss
Like August 3, 2019
((Its been a while. -scratches chin- uh. Did I miss much?
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Chaos is fun in so many ways negative and positive based on the beholder of the chaos and etc who says life is supposed to be perfect with sunshine and rainbows :)
Like August 2, 2019
You sound knowlegdable in the art of chaos.
Like August 3, 2019
you've missed a lot of Castle stuff if you care about that still
Like August 3, 2019 Edited
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So basically I missed out on all the fun? Boo. Time to go bug arty.
Like August 3, 2019
Like August 3, 2019
... Okayokay, I'll annoy him like I usually do!
Like August 3, 2019
Good lovely night we are having Goddess of chaos Eris Its a privledge and honor to be able to speak to you freely without being chaosed on like my mouth being stuffed with endless spaghetti or etc hehehe :)
Like August 3, 2019
Like August 4, 2019
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