"I've been called a lot during my life. Butcher, Legend, freak, heartless, cold, unkillable. Done a lot too. Been only one thing. When I first came to Equestria, it was... It was something I had no idea could exist. It was like a dream. A fairytale. There was no war. No hatred. It has it's problems of course, but... It's so much more peaceful than my world. Equestria holds a freedom I'd never known. Like the cards of life laid bare before me. It didn't need soldiers. The type of soldier I was. I...
Okay, so... Storytime with Wyatt's Admin, Part 2: Electric Boogaloo. Part 1 is also in blogs.
This one might seem like it's going in a dark direction, but stick around. Oh and I forgot to mention in the actual post that I may have been involved in the events detailed below... :eyes: I fine tune the details a bit more in the blogs as well.
Alright, so. We were out with the RA, Royal Artillery on an exercise. They were showing off their big guns *cough*totallynotovercompensating*cough* and w...
Alright, so... story time with Wyatt's admin. Reposting it in a blog.
So, I was on a patrol, regulars mixed with one or two reserves. I was Charlie man, or last man. I was there to give the lads a kick up the arse if they started to lag behind from tiredness. It had been a long day for us and this was our last patrol. Anyway, we're walking as usual and then I turn to check our 6, make sure we're not being followed or anything. I turn back around and see a rifle barrel poking out of a building...
"I often get asked what war is like, by those who have never lived it. If you haven't, you can't understand. You'll never understand. And thank god, or Celestia, or Luna or whoever that you don't. That you never will. *a chuckle is heard* I could sit here and bullshit you all day and night about how war can ruin lives. But I live and breathe war. I always have. I survived that war. That hell. To this day I have no idea how. Not really. But what was left over from that war, was a kid. A kid that ...
"Have I ever told you, if you've ever met me, that I despise war? Or that it's not my cup of tea? Well, if I did, I can tell you I lied to your face, or muzzle, as I suppose the saying goes. War is... My bread and butter. It's my profession, my life. I know little else. Stalingrad was my first taste of true war, true hell. And I loved every second. The adrenaline, the fear, the... . All of it, combined to make an experience I can never forget... That's what war does. Gives you such a fucking rus...
A clicking sound is heard as a tape begins to play, the old sound ringing bells for those who listened to cassette tapes.
"This is... *sigh* I don't even know if anyone 'll listen to this... Why...? Alright, my name is Black Fox. That's what they call me... Or they did... That was my name for years, before I came here. The amount of people who knew my real name, I could count on one finger. My story begins in 1935, the year I was born. My father married below his class, and his father disown...