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The Outsider

Entity. Lives in  Equestria. Born on July 15, 1990
by on August 11, 2020
// Decided to look into my unpublished lore posts and found this. Did some rework, but I haven't written something propper in a while, so bear with me. Very short one as well, which is good. "Those that close themselves off are the ones in the most need of affection." The chloromancer read out loud, the dull blue eyes focusing on those words. He stared at them for a while before setting the book over the desk and pushing it aside. "Huh. Any thoughts, darling?" He asked, the focus shifting ove...
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by on July 10, 2020
Alone. Weeks go by with the blink of an eye, months fly on the other side of the closed window just as quickly as the swooping birds. Yet nothing changes. The letters go out, but no reply ever comes. It happened again, didn't it? He never wanted to leave, but it wasn't much of a choice. It wouldn't be long before his last energies dripped away, thanks to the disease. If anything, he lessened her burden by saying that last goodbye and vanishing off to the world, rather than staying and hav...
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by on October 18, 2020
Two lanterns softly swayed in the darkness, lightening up the way to their destination. No breeze rolled through the hills, a light mist curled and twirled by the corners of the eye. This was no ordinary night, but that information was never given to the young stallions. No, no, no, that would ruin the whole surprise, we wouldn't want that, would we? The colder temperature seeped into the flesh and bones of the smaller one like thousands of thin needles, but none of the others seemed to be re...
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by on May 20, 2020
A warm breeze rolled down the golden dunes of Old Antioch, dragging along the salty ocean air and the sound of waves from beyond. Zerathur slowed to a halt and raised one of the front legs, covering the eyes just in time to protect them from a waft of sand that followed the breeze. "Windy! the perfect weather for some good waves. The sun is quite warm today though, isn't it?" A moment of silence followed, but it wouldn't last long. "Oh, no joke, Sherlock!" Mel burst into laughter somewhere behin...
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by on June 28, 2020
This is it. To have lived thirty years with a disease such as this particular one, to have gone through all the challenges that it and life had presented... It is truly a miracle. But even after all of that, the time has come. Time to rest. The early morning sun rises just beyond the horizon, tainting the sky with light purples, blues, and oranges, making glister the dew-covered grass of the valley. This is a nice place, always has been. Energy sips out of the body slowly, trickling away...
232 views 5 likes
by on December 18, 2020
Water dripped onto cold stone, freezing shortly after hitting the ground. Sounds echoed far under the ice, yet no wind or falling water would ever be capable of creating the terrorizing screeches that came from below. Eyes glowed in the surrounding darkness, filled with malicious intent but never approaching. Purple, they were, the color of his nightmares, the color of his deepest fears. He knew what awaited him at the end of this tunnel, it wasn't a way out. But he couldn't keep himself from...
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by on July 11, 2021
It isn't often that a story ends with the death of its protagonist, at least not the stories sung by the bards or written in the common books. This one proved to be no different. However, unlike the other stories, this wasn't the tale of one born with great power tearing down the evil of their homeland, nor that of a simple commoner rising and winning against the otherwise impossible. This is the story of one who has done nothing but flee. And flee he did. ...
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by on December 29, 2020
"And that should conclude the class for today, not a lot more to learn about the simple acronyms. The test's tomorrow, as y'all probably know by now, but if you paid enough attention to your High Khalani classes, there's really no reason to spend the night awake studying more. Oh, and don't send me questions at two AM, I'm not going to respond... Looking straight at you, Yenn." One by one, the students made their way out of the small park. A colorful bunch of immigrants, they were, all of the...
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by on September 30, 2020
White clothes. Originally the symbol of Protoss who weren't born white-coated, a way to hide from the shame of not being 'physically pure' under the eyes of their society. That until Empress Arden, daughter of Great Khas, started using them in every meeting, every ceremony. Many Lorekeepers joined in an outcry, questioning her for breaking the tradition. And to those, she replied, "These are the clothes of someone who is in shame, are they not? Then I am not breaking traditions, for I am ashamed...
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by on June 7, 2023
Dr. Lindsley's Report 29th entry. 04/05/1056 A.N. 08:00 PM ...
166 views 4 likes
by on March 13, 2020
Hello! Is {img} {/img} not working? That's probably because you didn't put the correct link on it! You see, for the link to work, it has to be the one that directly goes to the image, (Aka it has to end with .png, .jpg, .gif, that sort of stuff). So, all you got to do is right-click on the desired image, like so: Open it on a new tab, select the link... Copy it and paste it between the {img} and {/img} tags (Replace { with [ and } with ], of course) and done! The image should be working now...
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by on April 8, 2022
"As deft as rocks swimming upstream." Words that forever marked her early teens. Spoken in these selfsame shores, back when the sand was just as golden as the city behind them; when the clear blue ocean only gave way to the white foam of the waves, the beautiful sounds of nature clashing with that of their boombox, their laughter, their taunts. They're gone now. The golden sand has turned grey, ruins lay where a great city once did. With the bay closed by the carcass of a great ship, even ...
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