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Iron Maiden

Female. Lives in Mane Street,  Canterlot,  Equestria. Born on September 27, 1995
Earth Pony
Roleplay Availability
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Company, Organization, or Institution » Organization
Nitroxus Soulspins
*Nitroxus spun out of the ground and landed in front of the pony. He soon smiled to them. He then passed a large gift over to them.* Happy Birthday!
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AHA! Vanil always knew better than to disregard her "basic senses" as a mere unhealthy, obsessive part of herself, for she had found the source of her distress. A fellow middle-aged mare, having her o... View More
Lock On
Year of The Dragon, fitting for a near-stone cold dragon lady. How did he manage to get in a cheongsam? A speech check and a sucker punch reserved for later, that's how. Blessed piece by ... View More
Hey, I replied to your dm, and also sent a friend request, deeply sorry for not responding in time, I been pretty busy at the beginning of the year, and alot has been happening since then, but Im gonn... View More
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Hey, am a old friend of yours, whenever you are online, please check your DM. would like to try a RP with you, haven't heard from you in a while.
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Rough Winds
"So whats cookin´good lookin´?"
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Iron Maiden
"If that ever worked to swoon anypony, I will owe a friend about 50 bits."
Like December 3, 2019
Rough Winds
"You´d be surprised."
Like December 3, 2019
Iron Maiden
"...Then I owe a friend 50 bits."
Like December 4, 2019
Rough Winds
"Welll why dont you take those 50 bucks and take me for a drink instead."
Like December 7, 2019
Lock On
Lock almost kicked the door down to her office and tried to pop a party favour, but it didn't pop, then blew a party horn but it made no sound besides that of the paper flapping. "Happy Birthday!" the... View More
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Fruit Face
Fruit snuck into 's office in search of honey and/or nectar. It was the only place in the guild he hadn't been to so it must be where the good stuff is at, right?
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Lock On
Lock enters her office with a trumpet in his mouth. "Doot doot" the trumpet goes, before he closes the door and trots away.
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Iron Maiden
Maiden just, stares at the now closed door, with a pen in her mouth. She spits it, before getting her own trumpet. However, she wasn't going to toot with it. That trumpet was going to where the sun doesn't shine.
Like August 1, 2019
Lock On
Like August 1, 2019
Rough Winds
"You... seem upset."
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Iron Maiden
"Angry is a more accurate word."
Like January 6, 2019
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