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Stone Mocha

Female. Lives in  Canterlot,  Equestria.
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Stone Mocha
Stone mocha go to her favorite coffee shop to get some to drink qnd when she get her drink she sit down feeling relex" mmm...what...what a wonderful day"#rp
3 people like this.
Stone Mocha
Stone look at the this bat mare wondering if she talking to her" umm hi...there...." She said as she nervously but at the same time calming as she shanking her cup of coffee.
Like April 13, 2024
Stone Mocha
Stone look suprise when midnight say that to her blush hiding her face front of her coffee" umm Stone Mocha....and am not that beautiful..."
Like April 14, 2024
Stone Mocha
Stone trying to stay calm" if you want am just enjoy my day with a nice coffee and other stuff."
Like April 14, 2024
Stone Mocha
this the close enough of me in if you ever find me in there. i be in the Main harbor.
7 people like this.
Air Lightning Rush
Where exactly in the main harbor would you be? Cause I’m trying to look for you and I can’t seem to find you.
Like July 28, 2021
Stardusk Strider
Please, this was posted about 8 months ago. Necroposting isn't really allowed. Please be sure to read the date of the posts you reply to!
Like July 28, 2021
Air Lightning Rush
Oh sorry my bad as I just happened to see it.
Like July 28, 2021
Stone Mocha
// let you know i still need to work on her info. and also i did not make her she was a adopt by me. from this user
5 people like this.
Rough Winds
love the colors
Like November 16, 2020
Bright Brave
Painted pony is fine~
Like November 16, 2020
Nitroxus Soulspins
*Nitroxus bowed* I hope you enjoy your time here.
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Nitroxus Soulspins
Welcome to help.
Like January 10, 2019
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