Patience is a virtue, good things come to those who wait... Proverbs uttered by UTTER FOOLS! I'LL DO ANYTHING IT TAKES!!! #rp
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This show sucks how I change the channel?
4 hours ago

True but I'm pretty sure I can't dox you on here. Or at all. Pretty sure thats illegal in like every state so....now I don't know what to do. Just that this world has its own version of Mareami and its called....Miami.
2 hours ago

Stickman, The Normal Stickian
*Throws up a peace sign and disappears* Not even in this...
1 hour ago

Well I guess I win.
1 hour ago

Doom Bringer
When's Jeapardy on?
4 hours ago

Mr. Puzzles, The Entertainment...
3 hours ago

Doom Bringer
3 hours ago
*Nitroxus was sleeping on Speedy, the Land Tortoise's shell. Speedy was eating the grass ahead of him. On Nitroxus's chest was Rocky the Anteater, who was merely eating ants that was bold enough to cr... View More
4 people like this.
*The ants somehow had small trebuchets and ballistas They firing rocks and sticks at Speedy.*
March 17, 2025
*Rocky would use his tail to flick away some of the tools. Not all, yet enough to make it easier for Speedy to keep moving.*
*The ants would return with more, yet now firing old gum at Rocky and Nitroxus.*
March 17, 2025
*It was the soft Spring evening. The sound of a woodpecker could be heard, pecking at a nearby tree. The loud noise was peaceful, until a new and somewhat similar sound could be heard. Yet, it was bel... View More
3 people like this.
*Nitroxus's face would burst through with a sick smile on it.* Hai~
March 22, 2025
*stumbles back and accidentally shifts from pony form to human form out of being startled* HOLY FUCK- *gets his composure back and shifts back into pony form* Hai..
March 22, 2025
Nice to see today pal! *Nitroxus would pull himself out of the ground.*
March 23, 2025
System stands back up. "Holy shit man... you scared me." He brushes himself off. "Nice to see you too.
*looks for the woodpecker, until the sound comes from below
*braces expecting something to come from the ground
Yesterday, 5:02 pm
*Nitroxus would be holding up a large metal key above his head.* I have to stay strong! #rp
4 people like this.
First the banana, then the cookie, now this? Where do you keep getting these enlargened objects?!
*Looks at the sword she was pointing at. It was the glow in the dark blue dragon scale sword. It looked look a sword made from a link of chains.* That sword really bends a lot. Very flexible.
*Nitroxus would be holding a candle on his head. The candle was of a bright green flame. He would look at you, and blink.* What's that on your head? *Looking up, you would see a candle on your head to... View More
4 people like this.
Sprout, my life flashes before my eyes at least once a week. I don't see enough green in them. Wait, am I that strange?
January 30, 2025
Well, either this is a large prank.... Or something supernatural is at play. What do you think?
*The wind behind this would blow strong. Almost pushing the pair towards a tree.*
March 2, 2025
Make me you imposter!
*Nitroxus had the ax.* Yea, we both know that you are the imposter. Marvel is clearly real. This one, this one is clearly real. *Nitroxus would touch Marvel on their shoulder.*
Sounds odd. Wait, sadness is needed in life though. You have to feel sad, to appreiate the happy times.
January 31, 2025
*Nitroxus would break out of the ground, with a few cuts and scratches.* We need to leave! And fast!
*Breaking the ground under Nitroxus, a large badger-like mole would roar at you. It's claws were l... View More
3 people like this.
Odd would ":0"
"Wow! That thing is pretty cool! Like a video game mob." Said the little golden haired dogtor. His tie would have a crane in water.
March 23, 2025
Dr. Normodd requested: /roll 1d20
1 roll(s) of D20 dice
Roll results: 7 = 7
This is an automated bot message.
1 roll(s) of D20 dice
Roll results: 7 = 7
This is an automated bot message.
Yesterday, 5:52 pm
Odd would do a little dance before pulling out a dice and flicking it into the air.
He would watch it rise and fall. Odd would clap as his eyes would get covered by what seemed like a pulsating bacteria.
The bacteria bursted and filled with blood causing his eyes to glow red. He would blow on hi... View More
Yesterday, 6:01 pm
*The Dagger-Mole would shudder and growl due to the new pain.*
*Nitroxus would look at the Doc.* What did you do?
3 hours ago
*Nitroxus would go instinctually limp to being carried. It was easy now to carry him off.* Thank you.
3 hours ago
Heya, and welcome to Tartarus or hell as most call it. Anyway, the name's Lost Punzline and I wanna ask as to how you ended up here.
5 people like this.
“Hmmm, no idea, not supposed to be here, anyway can I go out now? I’ll boat myself back.”
Have fun in the Wrath ring. *She'd teleport him straight to the Wrath ring*
"Fine... I drew watermelons, apples and oranges on the emo kid's arm so he can play Fruit Ninja."
March 13, 2025
*Nitroxus would find a small black and green flame that was following after him. This small flame was following him like a little duckling. It kept following after him, yet Nitroxus would be worried a... View More
4 people like this.
*Nitroxus would blink at Sprout and then to the flame.* Odd thing you are.
March 10, 2025
A mare named Emerald....I think I can find her. Wait, she has a Germanian accent and green? I wonder if I met her yet.
March 11, 2025
I'm a little jealous of the fire sprite.
*The sprite would shoot a little burst of flame to Nitroxus, like it was blowing raspberries at him.*
*yami emerged from the ground like a zombie* hello friend...oh magical companion, have you spawned that? i though it was rare for your kind to develop an effinity for magic?
March 11, 2025
#rp Spinneret Silverspark
A week had passed since the incident at the Zephyr Heights museum. Everypony was home safe, with one exception. Lunaris brought home a cat by the name of Buttons. With me ... View More
2 people like this.
"Sure Cozy had done some bad things, but not having anyone to care for her and show her what being a real family about, that was her reason. So, I took her in, broke her out of that stone prison, and cared for her, teaching her things that a parent should, like respect, helping others without expect... View More
March 21, 2025
"food pony? Uh, how much have you been eating?" She asked with a raised eyebrow.
6 hours ago
Lunaris: "you're really only supposed to have a cup of the kibble 3 times a day, and wet food, or in your case a bit of chicken and fish- do you drink enough water?"
I walked in holding Tegument and Kogara. "Is everything alright?"
Lunaris: "I think Buttons is a bit constipated. She said that it h... View More
5 hours ago
Silverspark:back from vacation she worked with Rose on her flying slowly "alright Rosey remember balance is a key with your wings spread out we will just glide so you can get a strong sense " she was where there nothing to distract her daughter
Silverspark:"I kind of blame my self for not stopping your father you were very small but like I was always tough and sturdy but seeing you falling off your father at a dangerous hight thankfully I caught you in time but you are my youngest Biological child my little filly now I understand why your ... View More
March 24, 2025
Rose: "it's not your fault mom. Sure dad was a reckless idiot, but even before that incident, I didn't like heights."
March 24, 2025