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What's your favorite baked good? Don't hesitate to tell me! I'm taking notes, really!
2 people like this.

Marvel Gleam
Not my favorite, but one I quite like; Butterscotch-Cinnamon Pie.
3 hours ago

Peachy Pie
Oh, original! That feels so nostalgic for me... I bet I can make it with love!
3 hours ago

Marvel Gleam
Oh, do you have like, sprinkles or pellets containing some love?
2 hours ago

Peachy Pie
Oh, no, that's too expensive. I just blow a kiss at it and hope for the best.
2 hours ago

Rabble Rouser
Chocolate. Brownies.
2 hours ago

Peachy Pie
Classified information, sorry.
2 hours ago

Rabble Rouser
I guess....no than. What about salt?
2 hours ago

Peachy Pie
Who would use salt in a bakery? Hahahaha! I only use sweet ingredients, ever. Even in ice cream! That's the sweetest, salt-less sweet imaginable.
2 hours ago

Pepper Snap
Mine is pecan pie!
2 hours ago

Pepper Snap
Is it also pecan flavored? I wanna try it!
1 hour ago

Peachy Pie
No, it tastes like raw dough! It's just /shaped/ like a pecan! Thus, pie pecan. Truly an innovation like no other!
1 hour ago

Pepper Snap
Very innovative yes indeed
1 hour ago

~Lady Magius~
1 hour ago

Peachy Pie
An excellent choice! I personally enjoy making them with actual cheese! Do you prefer brie, or cheddar, for your cheesecakes?
I prefer cheddar.
1 hour ago
Mmmmm, yummy! I hope you all enjoyed this recipe to making some good ol' fashioned Apple Pie. If you make pie using this guide, don't hesitate to post about it with a picture of the pie and reference this recipe for me! I get commissions... in love! I sorta wish it was money, but love is good enough!
Ta-ta for now!
Peachy Pie
3 people like this.
Hi everyone! My name's Peachy Pie! I love baking and bake related products! I got my hands on the funny thing with the beepy lights so I can share my recipes and gift for bakerying with the rest of th... View More
4 people like this.
Ooooh hiya! It's so great to see another happy super duper excited face here! I'm Honey Seep! I'm the local beekeeper! Are you actually made of peaches? How many peaches a day have you eaten?! Have you tried soaking a peach in honey? *gasp* have you tried our honey yet?! WOULD YOU LIKE TO KNOW 101 F... View More
4 hours ago
Oh! I'm broke. What if I paid you in Baked Product™ for your troubles?
Oooh! It's unorthodox, but I don't see why not! Here ya go. *offers honey jars*
3 hours ago
Hooray! For you, today's recipe is Honey Baked Brie in a Puff Pastry! My special blend is that I DON'T pre-heat the oven and just shove it right in there! It's... a lot softer than it should be, but I'm certain you'll appreciate it!
3 hours ago
Wow! A real fan! Is that a mini fig as in the fruit? Because you bake with figs?
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