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Opaline Arcana

Queen. Lives in  Zephyr Heights,  Equestria. Born on March 5, 1995
The Last Of The Alicorns By Sovereign Right And Combat
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Opaline Arcana
I can keep getting away with this.
4 people like this.
Opaline Arcana
Honestly, this is devoid of context for me, but it amuses me to say amongst the current result of the feed right now. Continue sobbing at your discretion.
Like 48 minutes ago
Huh? No, not you. Her. *points at *
Like 38 minutes ago
Opaline Arcana
I post why I would engage in this buffoonery and you don't even have the decency to read the above. It is no mystery why I keep my sense of humor to myself...
Like 35 minutes ago
Bright Brave
Points to and all her liking
Like 30 minutes ago
Opaline Arcana
I don't understand their relevance.
Like 26 minutes ago
Bright Brave
And you never will.
Like 19 minutes ago
Pepper Snap
I be getting away with it
Like 12 minutes ago
Opaline Arcana
Opaline Arcana
shared a photo
Your chittering is ceaseless.
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I told you to get out while you can. You didn't listen. Your actions have consequences.
Like 4 hours ago
Opaline Arcana
Chatty, chatty fools...
Like 4 hours ago
Friendship is more powerful than dragon fire, it may seem
Like 4 hours ago
Opaline Arcana
Ontologically untrue.
Like 4 hours ago
Pepper Snap
Like 3 hours ago
Glitterbomb Crybaby
I cease for about eight hours a night, for what it's worth..
Like 5 minutes ago
Opaline Arcana
Sleep is the closest point one can experience death. When you close your eyes, and the REM wavelengths take hold, and the dreams do not kick in- the cessation of being. Awakening to the sensation of t... View More
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Sprouting Bulb
"Yeah, yeah, sleep is the cousin of death, we all know this. Are you gonna do anythin, or are you just gonna sit on your plot and teach Philosophy 101?"
Like 18 hours ago
Opaline Arcana
Few do. And they say I have the superiority complex...
Like 18 hours ago
Sprouting Bulb
"Honestly? I think yours is actually pretty simple."
Like 18 hours ago
Opaline Arcana
A simple... complex...? You truly are unintelligible, chittering bug.
Like 18 hours ago
Pepper Snap
When I sleep my soul leaves my body unattended until I come back from plunderin
Like 3 hours ago
Opaline Arcana
Consider not having it return.
Like 2 hours ago
Pepper Snap
That’s fine. It feels gross to have a body anyways x3
Like 2 hours ago
Nitroxus Soulspins
Sleep is like a long distance relationship with death.
Like 40 minutes ago
Opaline Arcana
It can be shortened.
Like 29 minutes ago
Nitroxus Soulspins
I mean medatiation is possible. Yet, I'm not ready to commit that far yet.
Like 22 minutes ago
Glitterbomb Crybaby
Napping is SO hardcore!
Like 4 minutes ago
Opaline Arcana
Hate is a natural and healthy feeling. Hating others, as well as yourself, is good. Allow and accept that hate to enter your heart and soul. It is only until you refine and sharpen that hate that you ... View More
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Pepper Snap
Nah I be loving. I be full of love and joy and childlike whimsy and wonder. I love youuuuuu and everyone else too =3
Like 23 hours ago
Opaline Arcana
You were exactly the kind of pony I had the glee to burn and trample first in my crusade against the whole of Equestria.
Like 23 hours ago
Nitroxus Soulspins
So does that mean that I have to love you first, in order to hate?
Like 21 hours ago
Opaline Arcana
You can skip the first part.
Like 20 hours ago
Nitroxus Soulspins
If I did that, I would grow indifferent to you. And that's not hate.
Like 20 hours ago
Asuka Yakushi
"Monologue all you want, I still have to give you the shot. It's your choice whether or not you want to be restrained when I do. Keep in mind, you get charged more for being a pain to deal with."
Like 20 hours ago
Opaline Arcana
I was vaccinated and I am the vaccination.
Like 20 hours ago
Glitterbomb Crybaby
You have such a way with words..
Like 3 minutes ago
Bright Brave
It's hard finding art with her lipstick. Everyone leaves it out. ART BY PUMPKIZOID
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Opaline Arcana
Passable. Get my good side next time.
Like 23 hours ago
Bright Brave
Yes queen.
Like 23 hours ago
The world wants to know: What are you hoping to gain?
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Opaline Arcana
My world, pure to my endless flame, is now hollow. I am still in my prime. A grass that grows greener must burn hotter...
Like Yesterday, 10:58 pm
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On the contrary, I'm trying to understand. I just don't see the point. I fail to see what way burning everything down would benefit you.
Like Yesterday, 11:25 pm
Opaline Arcana
Your sealioning in a pithy attempt to make me reconsider my motivations is woefully transparent as it is doomed to be fruitless. You have the reasoning. Begone.
Like Yesterday, 11:30 pm
I know you don't listen. I'm just trying to wrap my head around what the motivation is.
Like Yesterday, 11:32 pm
Sprouting Bulb
this you?
3 people like this.
Opaline Arcana
Like Yesterday, 10:09 pm
Dr. Normodd
Not to mention no artificials and supports immune health. Very nice.
Like Yesterday, 10:11 pm
Opaline Arcana
Pure and healthy. Antithetical to a changeling... amusing.
Like Yesterday, 10:12 pm
What even is this
Like Yesterday, 5:01 am
Opaline Arcana
Someone's poor attempt at wordplay.
Like Yesterday, 7:17 am
Bright Brave
You want power Opaline? You want fire? I'll give you as much as you want. Let's see who falls first.
2 people like this.
Opaline Arcana
Looked familiar. Found your relative online.
Like Yesterday, 9:54 pm
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Bright Brave
Exactly. Weak. Now you'll know war.
Like Yesterday, 10:00 pm
Opaline Arcana
Bravado hides trepidation. Ashes to ashes, dust to dust.
Like Yesterday, 10:02 pm
Bright Brave
Fight fire, with fire. And you know all about bravado~
Like Yesterday, 10:09 pm
Peachy Pie
Oh gosh... a bigger form... I need to bake bigger baked goods!
Like Yesterday, 10:20 pm
Bright Brave
And pots of coffee.
Like Yesterday, 10:33 pm
Opaline Arcana
2 people like this.
Bright Brave
Might I say, I find you fascinating, Queen.
Like Yesterday, 9:08 pm
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Opaline Arcana
You confuse me. I simply rule; that's all.
Like Yesterday, 9:25 pm
Bright Brave
I confuse you!?!?! Listen queen. You're either out of your time, come into the past, at your rise to power against Princess Twilight, or I'm in your time period, in the future. So yeah. YOU, make things confusing.
Like Yesterday, 9:31 pm
Opaline Arcana
The only thing worth accepting is power.
Like Yesterday, 9:33 pm
Get out while you can!
Like Yesterday, 9:09 pm
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Welp I tried you warn you.
Like Yesterday, 9:31 pm
Opaline Arcana
Not needed.
Like Yesterday, 9:34 pm
Like Yesterday, 9:35 pm
Stickman, The Normal Stickian
*Woody-like voice* YOU.
Like Yesterday, 9:12 pm
Opaline Arcana
A letter in the alphabet I'm not fond of. I much prefer I.
Like Yesterday, 9:14 pm
Stickman, The Normal Stickian
I've heard about you. *I point my sword toward Opaline.* You're not welcome here.
Like Yesterday, 9:16 pm
Opaline Arcana
Approval is beneath me.
Like Yesterday, 9:18 pm
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