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Nitroxus Soulspins Night Keep
*Nitroxus floated down to the ground from the air with the help of an umbrella. He soon smiled to them. He then passed a large gift over to them.* Happy Birthday!
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*Nitroxus rode in his car shaped balloon and parked it besides them. He soon smiled to them. He then passed a large gift over to them.* Happy Birthday!
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*Nitroxus climbed out of a green pipe that was in the ground. He soon smiled to them. He then passed a large gift over to them.* Happy Birthday!
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"One thing I was never properly taught throughout my history is proper social skills. How does one start and engage in a conversation without it feeling forced or awkward? I probably should have figur... View More
"Been a while since I stopped by here. I hope you all are having a good day."
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"I may be immortal, but that doesn't mean I was there for every major event in history. I'm sorry if I'm not aware of things that happened centuries ago. I was probably sleeping that day."
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"Or stuck in a time-locked land for a thousand years. Or both. Probably both."
September 1, 2021
"Some of my battles ended that way. Only a couple ever came back, but I was able the deal with them again, but I digress. How did you cope being trapped that long? Was it like being in limbo?"
September 1, 2021
"The same few weeks kept repeating, even if none of us did the same things, so I think it was kind of like a limbo, yeah. There were both ponies and griffins where I was at specifically, but the griffins weren't exactly... anyway. It could've been worse." Jade doesn't want to get too heavy or in dep... View More
September 1, 2021
"Interesting, though, that does sound horrible to live through something like that, especially on repeat. It's hard to imagine what mental trauma must have came from it all. I do hope you're feeling alright."
September 1, 2021
"The magical prowess some ponies posses never ceases to amaze me. Makes me wish I spent the better decades of my life learning more magic. However, I do wonder, which spells gave you the most trouble ... View More
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"P-probably the flare spell, you know, that /really/ basic fire spell?" she put her hoof to her horn, like she was remembering a bit of pain, "I still haven't perfected it, after nearly half a decade of trying... Every time I try my horn catches fire and my magic burns out..."
"I see. That is problematic. What made you pursue such a spell anyhow? Seems a bit out of the ordinary for somepony like yourself, but I've heard more bizarre things before."
"At, uh, at the time I didn't really have any light spells, and I didn't know what I was yet... A-and then it just became kind of a challenge once I did know, and then my horn burnt out for a month. /Nearly literally/."
May 23, 2021
"At least you know your limits now. It can keep you from getting in dangerous situations. Just don't put yourself down over it. I tend push myself a lot without realizing the repercussions."
"Having a singular "power" as it is. There are many different ways for me to utilize Chronomancy. The infinte paths that glide into the future are billions of small streams, that lead to the roaring river of what comes to pass here in our reality. Every action you and any being, or object take, has ... View More
"I'll take your word for it. Something like that sounds much greater than what I normally put myself through."
May 23, 2021
"Have you ever been so starved of affection to a point where you have no idea how to take compliments anymore?"
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"Not so much 'affection' as just general contact with other ponies, but..." she pauses, "Yeah, made for the same effect..."
"I wasn't sure if 'affection' was the right word. It's been a while since I've interacted with others so I mostly just ramble to myself."
Grace tilted her head slightly as if she was hearing alien language before it washed over her what was Night Keep feeling. "I do get what you mean, it's like how everyone calls life a roller-coaster of ups and downs...but for some reason, the ride you are on has seemed to cross the deepest parts of ... View More
May 21, 2021
The colt smiled before shaking his head. "I appreciate the offer, but I'm alright. I've been down this trail more times than I'm willing to admit." His face returned to his normal, serious, demeanor while thoughts of his past rushed back to him. "Sadly, this isn't close to my lowest point. I would c... View More
"Oh, I guess...I mean I haven't been alive that long so I can hardly say much...but I do hope You don't reach your lowest point again. It can be hard to overcome, especially if you live alone..." her voice trails off as she remembers she was on her path to home, but suddenly stopped...for some unexp... View More
May 21, 2021
His ears perked up from the sudden question. "I don't really have a permanent residency. I mostly take refuge in Everfree when I'm weary." He stated as it's been practically decades since he lived anywhere for an extended period of time. "I tend to roam this world a lot with little to no rhyme or re... View More
"One thing that's nice about having another voice in your mind, is that you always have somepony to talk matter how much they annoy you."
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