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Female. Lives in One of them,  Abyssinia,  Beyond Equestria. Born on February 8, 1995
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Like January 13, 2023
Like January 13, 2023 Edited
Polo Fastter
"Stop asking for cat nip, I don't have any" he said
Like January 13, 2023
Rough Winds
"Woof woof" also im amazed you have not deleted this character
Like January 13, 2023
Like January 13, 2023
Rough Winds
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Rough Winds
...Here is your updated pfp for next time you come around !
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Bright Brave
Meerow ~
Like August 19, 2021
“Meow.” That was all
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Rough Winds
"meow meow"
Like August 4, 2021
Swift Scribe
Like August 5, 2021
Bright Brave
“What a cutie. Pss pss pss pss~”
Like August 5, 2021
Rough Winds
"Happy birthday Kat!" Rough would then bring her a cake with a poorly drawn picture of her
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Katrina was a month late, but appriciative.
Like March 3, 2021
Rough Winds
and rough is ok with that
Like March 3, 2021
Rough Winds
Rough spams her inbox with nothing but "Kat the Cat"
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This does not please Kat the cat
Like January 22, 2021
Rough Winds
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Katrina would grab the blabbering pony by his lower jaw and use her other hand to close his mouth like a sandwich. “Are you brain damaged?”
Like December 15, 2020
Rough Winds
"Im sorry, your presence alone gives me brain damage"
Like December 15, 2020
The feline closed her eyes and let out a long sigh “I should really poke your eyes out.”
Like December 15, 2020
Nitroxus Soulspins
*Nitroxus floated down by holding onto an umbrella and landed in front of the creature. With a smile, he bowed to them.* Hello and welcome. I do hope you enjoy your time here.
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A certain new cat could be seen sharpening her claws. A cats claws were already up there on pointiness, but, she wanted to be able to scale a wood building as if she were an insect. Also made it eas... View More
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Phoenix Wind
The pegasus would look up from sharpening his sword, seeing the feline he would give a friendly smirk and go back to what he was doing. He had never seen her before so he felt he should be polite but seeing how the other Abyssinians were always being bothered by ponies trying to pet he figured he sh... View More
Like December 1, 2020
The ghostling would had rolled a Giant yarn ball to her as he thought it would help sharpening those claw's of her's
Like December 1, 2020
Ghostbit randomly rolled around Katrina With a laser pointer as he maybe spoke his introduction to her a little too fast for them to even understand
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Katrina wouldn't listen anyway, there was a red dot to catch.
Like December 1, 2020
The ghostling would continue to have her chase it around in circles chuckling at this a little
Like December 1, 2020
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