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Caitlin Meowskivitz

Other. Lives in  Equestria. Born on July 21, 1993
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Nitroxus Soulspins
*Nitroxus jumps out of his hot air balloon and parachute down to the ground. He soon smiled to them. He then passed a large gift over to them.* Happy Birthday!
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Nitroxus Soulspins
*Nitroxus jumped out of a plane and pulled out a parachute and landed on the ground. He smiled to them. He then passed a large gift to them.* Happy Birthday!
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Caitlin Meowskivitz
That's right.
Like October 10, 2022
Caitlin Meowskivitz
"♫ Well how'd I lose my job? Drinkin' at the pub. How'd I end up in the clink? Had too much to drink. My wife and daughter perished. Diseased and malnourished. Poor me, poor me, pour me another drink!... View More
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Rough Winds
He chugs his drink and slams the mug on the table "ANOTHER!" he yells at the bartender
Like September 30, 2022
Caitlin Meowskivitz
"Where can a gal get a pedicure around here?" Cait huffed, wearing a blue sundress as opposed to her usual highway cat disguise getup.
Lord Nebulous Coltenheim
#rp *It was dead dark as I wear only a hood and cloak to hide my alicorn appearance as I arrive at an Abyssinian tavern I approach the barkeeper* "Excuse me I am looking for someone with a particular ... View More
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Caitlin Meowskivitz
Cait still hasnt figured out how ponies can just forget who her alter ego is when she changes out of the highwayman clothes. She's like the only Abyssinian in the area and they always fall for it.
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Stickman, The Normal Stickian
I mean... have you seen my Phantom S suit, everyone can see my golden hair just a bit, yet villains and even the police are fooled whenever I take on the Fedora.
Like September 12, 2022
Phoenix Wind
"I recognize ya but I figure if you are stealing from someone as broke as me you need really need anymore trouble when you are trying to be normal"
Like September 12, 2022
Caitlin Meowskivitz
Come autumn you're gonna see a lot more cat and maybe some alicorn.
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How much cat? Give an estimate
Like August 29, 2022
Caitlin Meowskivitz
About 46% cat.
Like August 30, 2022
Shifter Burnside
Like August 29, 2022
Caitlin Meowskivitz
I may switch to Caspian. A boy kitty highwayman who is comparatively principled and gentlemanly.
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How gentlemanly can one be when knocking someone out and stealing their Timberland's?
Like May 20, 2022
Caitlin Meowskivitz
He ... doesn't steal poor folks timbs?
Like May 20, 2022
Rough Winds
He must have the mandatory dagger and flintlock combo
Like May 20, 2022 Edited
Gray Rivers Alto Yuri
Both are equally lovable
Like May 21, 2022
Caitlin Meowskivitz
Cait has her feet up on your coffee table, a bottle of your wine open beside her as she sat on the couch. "Nice place ya got here."
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Gray Rivers Alto Yuri
Gray stares judgmentally. He didn't invite her in, she was there when he woke up and he doesn't even own a cat. But he decided for his own sake not to say something about it, Gray had noticed that she had some kind of a dagger in her belt. This is his life now.
Like April 15, 2022
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Caitlin Meowskivitz
The feline removed her legs from the table and withdrew her dagger. It looked quite sharp and well maintained. Perfect for cutting the cheese. "Now, I'm not really a fancy cheese sorta gal, so I'm curious. What's this particular kind called?" She had never actually had wine with cheese. Any amount o... View More
Like April 15, 2022
Gray Rivers Alto Yuri
Gray’s eyes immediately focused on the dagger’s shiny blade, soon as it was out in the open. Honestly, his whole mind was just white noise. “…Uh” he blinks, it takes a moment or two for him to realize that she’s actually talking to him. Talking about cheese. As if on cue, his entire cheese knowledge... View More
Like April 15, 2022
Caitlin Meowskivitz
The feline's tail snaked impatiently beside her. "So is that a yes to it being gouda? Or just a yes to it being good cheese. Actually, doesn't matter. Forget I asked." Cait plunged the weapon into the coffee table's surface and picked up a slice of the cheese. "If you wanna have a slice, go for it,... View More
Like April 15, 2022
Stickman, The Normal Stickian
How on earth did you even get into the USF Base... and into the luxury suites no less.
Like April 15, 2022
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Caitlin Meowskivitz
"Mm-hm! It's a nice room. Nice drinks in it too."
Like April 15, 2022
Stickman, The Normal Stickian
...They're ink drinks.
Like April 15, 2022
Stickman, The Normal Stickian
I mean, these particular ink drinks aren't poisonous as they're Mercury free, so you're fine. But you might get a bit... woozy. Woozier than normal drinks.
Like April 15, 2022
"Hey uh...Where did you get wine even ?, I only drink stuff like Choco-Milk. But while your here. Wanna try these ?" He said before displaying a baking sheet with Mice shaped cookies since He wasn't JUUUST a Pet sitter... But a Baker, Hero, And Plushie maker!
Like April 15, 2022
Caitlin Meowskivitz
"If you're offering, I can't say no."
Like April 15, 2022
Ghostbit would smile passing a cookie to them along with the other animal's within His cottage, Make's one wonder how he isn't covered in Fur...
Like April 15, 2022
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