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Male. Lives in  Smokey Mountains,  Equestria. Born on March 15, 1996
About Me
So I have two sides.A good side and a evil one.My good side is shy and friendly while my other one is careless and chill.But don't worry I treat everyone with respect,even if im in my evil form I wont bite. Haha *Laughs*
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Nitroxus Soulspins
*Nitroxus would juggle some glowsticks as he bounced on his tail towards the pony. He smiled as he stopped, to catch them in his tail. He would pass a very large gift to the pony.* Happy Birthday!
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Nitroxus Soulspins
*Nitroxus rode in his car shaped balloon and parked it besides them. He soon smiled to them. He then passed a large gift over to them.* Happy Birthday!
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Nitroxus Soulspins
*Nitroxus rode on the back of a large tortoise that was making its way toward the pony. He soon smiled to them. He then passed a large gift over to them.* Happy Birthday!
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Nitroxus Soulspins
*Nitroxus rode on a unicycle and was juggling some pins. He soon smiled to the pony. He then passed a large gift over to them.* Happy Birthday!
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Eric Cartman
It’s ok
3 people like this.
I got carry away I'm sorry.
Like June 15, 2018
Eric Cartman
//I was doing it with the intention to cause a few laughs...sorry I should’ve clarified that...this is all a joke drawing I apologize
Like June 16, 2018
Blue Jay
// Sorry if my comment made you upset, too. I was only joking .n.
Like June 16, 2018
Eric Cartman
//me too
Like June 16, 2018
I didn't even ask to get my oc draw. It just happen.Thx jade.
Like June 16, 2018
Eric Cartman
//you’re very welcome...but for serious if you want a serious pic that’s not just a joke drawing and is more than okay, hit me up! Sorry for the misunderstanding
Like June 16, 2018
//I understand,also how long this took you to make this?
Like June 16, 2018
Eric Cartman
//like five minutes lol
Like June 16, 2018
//Help me! doo doo :p
Like June 16, 2018
Eric Cartman
//he needs help from me save him from jade and her drawings
Like June 16, 2018
"Greetings." The large mare grinned at the stallion.
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"Ah, that's right. This place takes a while to get used to and all. I'm sure you'll like it."
Like June 12, 2018
"It feels great being here, because I see a lot of old friends including you here." *Giggles abit* "Just like good old times!"
Like June 12, 2018
She chuckled and nodded a bit. "That's right, just like old times."
Like June 12, 2018
"From my past I got better, Took me months to stop being a crybaby and age abit." *I laugh out loud* "Haha, what about you? What you been doing for the past months?"
Like June 12, 2018
Nitroxus Soulspins
*Nitroxus bowed* I hope you enjoy your time here.
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Not trying to look scary,just the way I look is all.
Like June 12, 2018
Nitroxus Soulspins
Ok, well I think you look cool.
Like June 12, 2018
Wow....That's the first time someone said that to me.*I look at you with my faded eyes abit shocked* Thanks bro you're very awesome!
Like June 12, 2018
Nitroxus Soulspins
Well, I try to be epic. *He smiled as he stood a bit taller.* So what now?
Like June 13, 2018 Edited
Deactive user
rito plz
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Plz What?
Like June 11, 2018
Deactive user
Like June 11, 2018
Ummmm ok?
Like June 11, 2018
Deactive user
Like June 11, 2018
I don't understand what your talking about.
Like June 11, 2018
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