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Female. Lives in  Equestria. 33 years old
Roleplay Availability
About Me
Just your average zombie, don't get too close! I might bite~
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soundwave rented a log cabin for Christmas, and invited all his friends over. #rp
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Spins hopped in, shedding her disguise as soon as the door closed.
Like December 20, 2023
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soundwave put her down, and started for the kitchen.
Like December 20, 2023
Spins sat down on the floor.
Like December 20, 2023
a short while later soundwave came back, with enegergon for him, and food for spins.
Like December 21, 2023
Olive Drab
Oli shows up with a gallon jug of homemade eggnog "let's frickin' party!!"
Like December 20, 2023
soundwave would let him in.
Like December 20, 2023
Olive Drab
"WOOOOP!" He walks in, sporting his cheesey Mrs. Claus outfit
Like December 20, 2023
soundwave would look confused.
Like December 20, 2023
Nitroxus Soulspins
How did I get here?
Like December 20, 2023
Olive Drab
Internet Protocol v. 4
Like December 20, 2023
Nitroxus Soulspins
Wait, I was teleported here? Through the internet?
Like December 20, 2023
Shifter Burnside
*pulls out a gmod.toolgun, sets it to delete and fires it at himself*
Like December 23, 2023
Olive Drab
Like December 24, 2023
7 people like this.
Olive Drab
Damn that looks intense
Like October 19, 2023
"Thank you sweetheart."
Like October 19, 2023
soundwave would blush, and turn, and walk away.
Like October 19, 2023
Nitroxus Soulspins
You put too much power into that pout....
Like October 20, 2023
Like October 20, 2023
"Mind the teeth please."
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Stardusk Strider
"what if I don't want to?"
Like October 17, 2023
"No touchies!"
Like October 17, 2023
soundwave would give his classic, blanck stare
Like October 18, 2023
*The mare would stare back*
Like October 18, 2023
soundwave would turn around, and walk away as if he never saw anything.
Like October 19, 2023
Nitroxus Soulspins
How about no? Work that smile!
Like October 18, 2023
Like October 18, 2023
Olive Drab
"nah, it's fine! I don't mind!"
Like October 19, 2023
"This place again??"
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Stardusk Strider
He looks to her with a smile and a wave
Like October 14, 2023
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*The clueless mare frowns with a soft shake of her head* "I'm afraid not.. I have a strong feeling that I have been... Dormant.. For quite some time now.. Tell me.. What year is it..?"
Like October 15, 2023
Stardusk Strider
He couldn't help but frown as well before shaking his head. Indeed, maybe it has been far too long, but he can't take it personally. "It's...2023. Your name is Sagelight, and we used to hang out a lot! U-until you disappeared, of course ..."
Like October 15, 2023
*The Undead mare stood there, puzzled and confused, trying to remember any faint moment they spent together, even for a brief moment... Although, nothing seems to remind her.* "We... Hung out... Together..? interesting.... I haven't the faintest of memories of us even crossing paths... If you say it... View More
Like October 16, 2023 Edited
Sprout looked over at this unfamiliar mare. "Hay there! Haven't seen you around before, stranger!"
Like October 14, 2023
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"Pleasure to meet you, Sage! I'm Sprouting Bulb! Most ponies call me Sprout." She held out her hoof.
Like October 16, 2023
*Staring at the hoof the kind mare stretched out, Sage couldn't help but hesitate for a little, before leaning in for a slight sniff and then gently reaching out and meeting Bulb's hoof with Sage's own.* "Sprout... Nice to meet you... Sprout.. Heh...." *The mare smiled gently, closing her eyes happi... View More
Like October 16, 2023
"Well, Sage, you caught me just as I was goin into the Everfree Forest! Wanna come with? Don't worry, I can keep us safe." She grinned proudly.
Like October 16, 2023
Princess Starwatcher
Yes hi
Like October 14, 2023
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Princess Starwatcher
So what brings you here..again?
Like October 15, 2023
"I don't... Know.. Perhaps I was wandering around aimlessely without a purpose.."
Like October 15, 2023
Princess Starwatcher
I see, good luck to you then
Like October 15, 2023 Edited
"This place indeed."
Like October 15, 2023
*The mare sniffs the guest.* "You smell... Familiar.. Have we met before..?"
Like October 16, 2023
“Possibly,” the bat replies quickly, “Maybe from when I was younger, although, I can’t say I remember much from back then.”
Like October 16, 2023
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Rook De La Squawk
"Sounds like time for a snack, no?"
Like August 1, 2022
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Rook De La Squawk
"Well we can get going as soon as you're ready. Just let me know."
Like August 1, 2022
"Sure.. Just let me get my belongings..." *I grab a cloak and lay it on my back and tied it around my neck* "Ready...?" *I smile warmly*
Like August 1, 2022
Rook De La Squawk
"Hm yeah suppose I am. Hope you don't mind walking cause I don't like paying for travel fare." Rook shrugs his wings back.
Like August 1, 2022
Carmen Gumshoe
Like August 1, 2022
Like August 1, 2022
Carmen Gumshoe
Like August 1, 2022
Like August 1, 2022
Stardusk Strider
Like August 2, 2022
im dead
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Marcus Amai
Hello dead!! I'm Crystal Heart!
Like October 18, 2019
Deactive user
Haha noob git gud
Like October 18, 2019
Lays in grass. "Blegh."
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Scarlet Gleam
Like August 22, 2019
Like August 22, 2019
Ebon Heart
*Watches her as she bleghs, before walking towards her, saying* "Everything alright?"
Like August 22, 2019
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Ebon Heart
*He only nods as he opens the jar and holds it upside down above her face. It slooooowwwly starts to ooze out*
Like August 22, 2019
"Aw, yis!~ feed me!~" The mare opened her maw as her tongue slithers out to catch the oozing chocolate.
Like August 22, 2019
Ebon Heart
*The Nutella starts to fall out of the container slowly. So slowly he starts to,tap his hoof on the bottom of the jar to get its out faster*
Like August 22, 2019
Deactive user
Haha dumb zombie
Like August 22, 2019
"I'll eat your face."
Like August 22, 2019
Deactive user
"Careful! I have 6 angry house plants and I'm not afraid to use them zombie girl!"
Like August 22, 2019
Jewel, The Teal Hippogriff
*I fly over.* You alright?
Like August 22, 2019
Ditzy Derpy Hooves
Be the first person to like this.
Like August 19, 2019
Ditzy Derpy Hooves
Like August 19, 2019
no, stop i do not consent!
Like August 19, 2019
"Who wants to become my lab rat for this evening?~"
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Ebon Heart
*Ebon Heart blinks, asking* "Will there be food?"
Like August 19, 2019
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Ebon Heart
*He said nothing, just sipping and watching. 'Really? A drug trip?' Was what he thought as everything slowed down for him*
Like August 19, 2019
"...." Sage chuckled and smiled, petting his head gently, "Not just any drug trip..." She walked away now, as he was forced to watch this video which seemingly feels like he already sat through hours of watching..
Like August 19, 2019
Ebon Heart
*Ebon just sat and watched the video quietly. He would do so until she came back. He was made of sterner stuff then what she thinks he'd be! So there he was, just quietly watching*
Like August 19, 2019
Mina May Marzipan
"Oooh!! Ooh-ohh-ooh! Me!! MEEEE!!!!" Mimi raises her hoof. She jumps up and down excited, hoping she'd get picked.
Like August 19, 2019
"Aww, too late hon~ maybe come around next time and you'll be my little helper with the lab rats, how does that sound, hmmm?~"
Like August 19, 2019
Mina May Marzipan
"Aww!!!" She pouted. "Okaaaayy..."
Like August 19, 2019
Cheddar Cheese
What the heck, I'd be down.
Like August 19, 2019
Polo Fastter
"where the coffee... look like a wrong turn again"
Like August 19, 2019
u g h
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Amy Callihan
"What did you just say to me you over sized fetus!"
Like June 8, 2019
"I said, U G H! you bug infested, walking corpse!"
Like June 8, 2019
Amy Callihan
"I'd like to say the same to you, missy! Know your manners! At least I am cool n stuff. Unlike SOME I KNOW." She would cough in the others direction.
Like June 8, 2019
"Oi, manners?! you telling me to know my own manners when you're clearly the one insultin' me!" The mare would angrily shake her hoof at her.
Like June 8, 2019 Edited
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