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Female. Lives in  Everfree Forest,  Equestria. Born on December 25, 1900
The Aokoi Hive
3 members Travel
Aokoi are supspecies of Changelings that originate from the Chrysalis Hive, but has evolved into its own Hive. Being in the Ocean with a single dejected Queen, they evolved from the standard set of Changelings and after hundreds of years, they are what they are today. These particular subspecies are approximately the same size as the standard drones and Queens. Aokoi have grey chitin with multiple blotches [color depends on caste] all over their body and diamond pupiled eyes. Before maturity, they have dark grey irises, but these fill in with their respective colors as they age. The has been shown with the Royal Family. Aokoi tears are also the color of their features, but in a more diluted fashion. They also have filled in holes, a more fly-fish esque set of wings, blue-green to cerulean blood color, and hair color dependant on their blood color. Their most noticeable features are the girls sprouting from their necks in sets of two, commonly color the same as their blood. Young Aokoi have tend to have Neighponese-esque names, while older trolls tend to acquire adult names or titles, typically this comes with royalty although. The Title of Empress is often passed onto the oldest daughter of the Royal Family and will continue her mothers works, being a matriarchal society.  Each Aokoi has a sign usually depicted on their body similar to a cutie mark which is carved in from from an alphabet for each caste. Should mutation place a Aokoi outside the caste system they will usually lack a sign and will be relegated into the breeding chambers, as lower caste Broodmothers/Fathers. Certain crimes could warrant stripping a Aokoi of their sign as part of the punishment as well as execution.
The Changeling Empire
23 members Food
Ever wanted to find fellow members of your species? Tired of being all alone? Want to find love and/or conquer over species? Well, this group is for you, you changeling fiend you! You will find members of the Changeling race here, along with subspecies and other shapeshifters alike!