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Rosy Heart

Female. Lives in  Canterlot,  Equestria. Born on May 1
Roleplay Availability
About Me
I mostly like to stay at home and take it easy, spending almost all my time on my many hobbies to keep me occupied. However it dose get lonely.
Roleplay Universe
Canon & AU
Roleplay Type
Narrative Multi-Paragraph
User Achievements
No achievements

Status Update

Rosy Heart
A shy looking mare of white coat and long pink mane would stroll through the town, glanceing about around her. Seaming curious about every pony around her but clearly too shy to approch or even speak.
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He, meanwhile, was observing /everything/ around him, not just the ponies. Everything up here was... Just so /different/ from back home. Though, seeing somepony seeming curious about him, well, kind of surprised him. Most were confused, or scared- he had no clue why on the second one, the three of t... View More
Like September 18, 2020
Rosy Heart
The mare's ears would perk up as she spotted the stallion and went. "Oh hi sorry if i starred at you in a odd way i....i've just never seen a pony with two pairs of wings before." she explained softly as she ran a hoof through her mane.
Like September 19, 2020
He laughs, "Most ponies haven't, eh? And it's fine, I'm used to ponies staring at me..." he said, while everything after 'it's fine' was said much quieter.
Like September 19, 2020
Lord Somber
"Is the mane throwing you off?" A sudden voice would appear. Actually the voice was coming from one of the ponies being stared at. The Prince himself. He too would be staring at the stranger, but mainly because she was staring at him. With nothing being said? He had no choice, but to speak up. He fi... View More
Like September 19, 2020
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Lord Somber
"Actually I was speaking if my mane was throwing you off. But I can understand the confusion in my question." It was quite a confusion question. "I was only asking cause I noticed you staring a bit ago, but didn't really say anything. Normally something like that is considered normal, but the way yo... View More
Like September 19, 2020
Rosy Heart
"Ooh!!! sorry i thought and no no no! Theres...theres nothing odd or anything with it looks familar.." she went as she took a step closer but realise what she was doin, causeing her to blush up in embrassment and back a few steps. "Oh forgive me just a very curious mare. ... View More
Like September 19, 2020 Edited
Lord Somber
"Prince Artemis." He spoke giving an introduction. "There is no need to be sorry. Trust me, I've been in much more uncomfortable situations in the past. I'm use to ponies finding my mane as a topic of interest."
Like September 19, 2020
Amity Guard
Amity was idly minding his business as he went about the day picking up some groceries. Too preoccupied wig his grocery list, he didn't notice the white and pink mare curiously taking note of her surroundings and gently bumping into her. "Oh, I'm sorry, miss! I was a bit distracted..." He said apolo... View More
Like September 19, 2020
Rosy Heart
"Ooh!!" She would go in a similar fashion as she almost stumbeld and fell on her snout. "Oh im sorry i...i wasnt really looking where i was goin myself sucha cloud head..hehe" she chuckeld nervously while looking over the stallion.
Like September 19, 2020
Amity Guard
Amity made sure to quickly move forward so that she wouldn't fall over, catching her in his arms and helping her stabilize a little bit. He gave her a worried smile. "Oh, that's hardly the case. I wasn't paying attention myself so I think we're a bit even." Chuckling softly, he pulled away from her.... View More
Like September 19, 2020