Roleplay Availability
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Hello! I am Sapphire Scroll, the royal, magic scribe. Feel free to IM me for RPs!
Roleplay Universe
Reverse universe
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Nitroxus Soulspins Sapphire Scroll
*Nitroxus climbed down a blue pipe that was in the air. He soon smiled to them. He then passed a large gift over to them.* Happy Birthday!
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*Nitroxus jumped on a path of trampolines toward the pony. He soon smiled to them. He then passed a large gift over to them.* Happy Birthday!
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*Nitroxus floated down to the ground from the air with the help of an umbrella. He soon smiled to them. He then passed a large gift over to them.* Happy Birthday!
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This is a fusion of Sapphire Scroll and my new OC based off of sapphires, Zafeiri Medicus. The fusion is blue with blue and purple hair and green eyes.
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Amity Guard Fusion!
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// I feel like I’ve been gone forever! Sorry for the absence, the virus has me working overtime in the office. I work in the medical field btw. I’m off now though!! Yay!
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//Thank you for all the effort you put in helping others to get better.
I'm unfamiliar with this character... I saw a genderbent Twilight as your last post, so is she a genderbent version of somepony else?
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Haha no, I just feel like my character fits in better with the reverse world rather than the cannon one. But I’m sure a stallion version of my character exists in some other universe.
March 11, 2020
Ah, okay. She's very pretty. UwU Nice choice for a character.
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Artist, Roleplayer