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Spirit Weaver

Female. Lives in  Equestria. Born on July 1, 1995
by on August 10, 2021
The late summer heat was bearing down, rendering many to seek the shelter of their homes as soon as they could, surrounded by fans, air conditioning, or even pools if they were so lucky. However, being deep in the Everfree did have one good thing going for it. The trees blocked out most of the sunlight, leaving the forest floor cool and calm, albeit a bit damp in some places. Light filtered through the green leaves, allowing small spears of sun to pierce through to the ground. Spirit sucked ...
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by on August 3, 2021
Spirit’s eyes shot open. A cold sweat broke against her brow. She slowly moved herself up to a sitting position on her small cot, resting a hoof against her face. She didn’t know why she woke up. It must have just been another nightmare. Though usually she remembered them, this one slipped through her memory like sand through a sieve. She inhaled slowly, and exhaled again. It was fine. She was fine. She just needed to try and get back to sleep. A sound. Glass cracking? What… was that? Her body...
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by on July 1, 2021
Canterlot was quiet in the heat of the day. The sun reflected and refracted off the white stone buildings, causing the cobble streets to be nearly unwalkable surfaces. But Spirit didn’t mind this. She’d felt worse, for sure. She had something much more important to deal with than nurse burned hooves today, after all. And she knew she’d not be on the stone for long. She would pause outside of the gate that she needed, before sucking in a deep breath. Canterlot Hills Cemetery. Soon, her hooves we...
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by on June 20, 2021
It had been a problem for quite some time. Something was in these woods, other than Spirit. Another hunter. But not one that deserved the title. Spirit had found bodies of creatures within the woods. Some monstrous and others… not so much. Dryads, and Timberwolves lay among Blight and Void. And as if killing them wasn’t enough, they always seemed…. Almost mutilated. Light slashes marking out letters and runes. A thousand cuts. The battlefield around them seemed only slightly scuffed, like the Hu...
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by on May 26, 2021
It was cold. So, so cold. The sun beat down heavily on Spirit’s prone form, but… still… she was so cold. She wanted to shiver. Try to get something to warm herself up but…. She couldn’t get her legs underneath her. She couldn’t move. She tried to suck in a breath. She couldn’t. The ground underneath her was so cold. Why was she laying here again? What happened? Why couldn’t she move? Her half lidded eyes would trail downwards. What was that liquid she was laying in? It was crimson. Was that h...
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by on April 11, 2021
Spirit was the Witch of the Woods. She lived here. She protected this place. And she protected others from it. It would be hyperbolic to say she knew every stone and every crevice of this place, of course, but she knew that when she was needed, the forest would take her where she needed to be. Usually, it was a slow thing. The path under her hooves could twist a left instead of a right. Out in the distance, something would draw nearer, another drawing further. It was the beautiful thing of a mag...
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by on March 25, 2021
The Everfree Forest was dangerous. There were monsters. Rampant magic. There were ruins and curses. But most terrifyingly, there were Witches. Or... Rather, just one Witch. But this Witch certainly always seemed to know where she needed to be at all times. And it seemed just like that today, as well. Spirit Weaver was in the lower boughs of the trees. The woods were so densely grown together that she didn't need to leap from branch to branch, either. Rather, she walked it, confidently, as ea...
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by on November 23, 2020
//This is very short but i want spirit to have a little cottage and a fox buddy and also i want her to be HAPPY for once in her damn life. and also i want the achievements for posting blogs. eat me. The Everfree was always a place of magic. Curses. Monsters. And more recently, tell of a witch. One who’s powers come from dark places. One who’s abilities are unknown to the natural world. A slight creature, she is. But a friend of the forest indeed. Only a witch could remain a friend of this acc...
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by on August 26, 2020
Spirit felt out of place fighting here. She was used to battles with Creatures ending up in some dark, dank, cave system. Maybe in a cavern if she was lucky- but usually in a cramped hallway. But… here? She was under the sky. Under the sun and the clouds. She tried to breathe in the fresh air, but all that filled her lungs was the smell of brimstone and fire. She coughed and looked back to her opponent. It looked like a pony, with a deep purple coat and a black, curly, mane. However, the closer ...
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by on August 18, 2020
Part 1: Part 2: Spirit didn’t know how long she’d run for. She ran down the sloped streets of Canterlot. She sprinted until her legs burned and her lungs strained with the effort of keeping up with her breaths. The world was blurry around her, the tears in her eyes turning the lamps in the street into vague smudges of color. The cobblestone underneath her hooves gave way to the the ...
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by on May 16, 2020
Spirit Weaver woke up dead. Quite an oxymoron, yes. One couldn’t just… wake up dead, could they? At least that wasn’t something that made sense to her. She’d read the phrase once in a novel and couldn’t stifle the laugh that came afterwards. And yet…. Here she was. She woke up. She was dead. This must have just been one of those out of body experiences that she’d heard about. She was some ways above the ground, the forest floor damp below her. In the brush was where she lay. She could hardly...
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by on May 10, 2020
Time passed, as it often did, continuing its ceaseless march into oblivion. Spirit followed alongside it, as did the rest of the world. Thoughts of the past few weeks had faded into the background. The name still stuck in her mind, though. Taproot. Grass Roots Apothecary. She finally had a name to who started this. To who… forced this life upon her. Spirit had spent the day in Canterlot, wandering the market district, but never straying too far from a central location. The shop, itself. To think...
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