Nitroxus Soulspins Wisteria
*Nitroxus dove out of the ground and landed on the surface. He smiled to the pony. He soon passed a large gift over to them.* Happy Birthday!
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*Nitroxus rode on the back of a large tortoise that was making its way toward the pony. He soon smiled to them. He then passed a large gift over to them.* Happy Birthday!
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*Nitroxus would roll on the ground like a ball toward the pony. He soon smiled to them. He then passed a large gift over to them.* Happy Birthday!
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Wisteria had been asked to take time off. This concept boggles her mind. Why would she want to be anywhere other than the library? The mare did not get it, but her boss had informed her that she was w... View More
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Fate had it in that day for two workaholics to run into each other-literally, in fact. As she turns a corner, there's a soft thump as a mare faceplants into her chest with a squeak, stumbling back. "A-ah! Sory sir-mister-oh-lady....?" the mare that had collided with her was small, looks like she c... View More
She needs to avoid direct contact, the little gay she is is likely to turn into a hot, flustered mess if she stares at Wisteria's eyes too long.
" besides work, got any summer plans?" she says as she prances a little, heading off for the direction of the cafe. She can't can't help the spr... View More
June 21, 2019
Despite her happy gait, Tinkora's walk is oddly lopsided, favoring the right side of her body, it's a little odd. "Going with the flow guess! Never know what you're gonna's always exciting then! I think of most of my inventions in my sleep, then...wake up and make them..." she s... View More
June 22, 2019
The god of chaos just knew what was going through her mind, so, wanting to rain on her already flooding parade, he started his little show~
"Oh im such a fool! How am i not able to read!" He arched back and placed his paw on his forehead, pained by this tragedy "if only a cute librarian would teach... View More
June 21, 2019
Wisteria looks over at discord, one of her eyebrows raising a little. She knew of him and knew that he, in fact, did know how to read. Shaking her head she sighs.
"Well this librarian is off the clock. Perhaps one of the others can teach you go read."
She deadpans, meeting his eyes.
"Aw~" Discord jumped into the air and turned into a book, starting to flutter at her and around her "i bet your day is such a drag~" the book landed on her head as he turned back into himself, not surprisingly, he was weightless "I already filled my quota of chaos for today dear, what if we do somet... View More
June 21, 2019
((Art by Chizuh on deviantart))
Wisteria sighs, looking up right as the camera flashes.
"I don't see why the library is suddenly requiring us to have identifications made. Oh well."
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Dr. Reiner would have moved through Manehattan with difficulty as it was foreign to him. He would wobble through Manehatten but would come across a public library. Dr. Reiner is a strange fellow. He w... View More
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Wisteria was sorting through books and putting them in their proper places when the strange pony arrives. At first, she does not notice him, putting more attention and effort into the books than the ponies who come in and out. Once everything is in its proper place she makes her way to the front des... View More
February 27, 2019
His third eyes would have been completely open as a voice would have came from the air. "Apologies. This body is torn up. When I use my power then my body shuts down. When my body is awake then my power is gone." The eye would have went half shut as the mane would have awaken. His voice back to norm... View More
February 27, 2019
Wisteria makes no outward sign that his appearance bothers her in the slightest. She does however brighten up ever so slightly at her mention of books.
"Of course. If we have it in this library, I know where it is. There are several on potion construction, but we only have two on hidden spells. One... View More
February 28, 2019
"Of course. Magic is my life. Literally. A scientist must push the boundaries to experience genius of all kinds. Might as well since I am stuck in this celestia forsaken eye." He would have mumbled the last bit. "The eye is forbidden magics of the Crystal Empire. The Voyagers Eye is an eye that allo... View More
February 28, 2019
Wisteria moves through the rows of books, hovering a few recently checked in books around her as she finds the places they belong on the shelves. She felt totally at ease, breathing in the smell of pa... View More
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waves at you from afar the blueberry coated mare gently smiled
February 26, 2019
Lana had been up and down the shelves for the fifth time by now and was beginning to become visibly frustrated. Suddenly she noticed the cream colored mare levitating some books up onto the shelves. Figuring she quite possibly worked here, she carefully approached her, and after clearing her throat,... View More
February 26, 2019
"Hello.. I'm Wisteria, but I go by Ria when in a casual setting."
The mare pushes her glasses up her nose.
"I hope to get to know all of you." ... View More
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