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Asuka Yakushi

Female. Lives in 4163, Rink Way,  Vanhoover,  Equestria. Born on July 7, 2000
by on November 3, 2023
//Surprise! I've actually been meaning to finish this old series for a long time now. Just never had the motivation to actually sit down and do it. Hope it lasts long enough for me to actually finish the series this time. How long has it been since they first set out on this journey? How many people have they seen who are probably dead, or infected now? How have they managed to keep it together long enough to get this far? All questions that Asuka knew would never be answered, and never bothere...
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by on October 7, 2023
With the coming of fall, comes Vanhoover's annual Fall Festival. A weekend-long event full of all sorts of activities, tons of booths, a metric buttload of maple themed food, and live performances from local bands. Unfortunately, the number one band in the city was too busy preparing for a tour to perform at the fair, but the number 2 band was more than happy to take their place. Granted, power metal didn't exactly fit the relaxed mood of the fair. Asuka should be at the fair with her bandma...
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by on September 26, 2023
"So. We were Attack on Mango. That was our show." An awkward silence fills the dingy, Ponyville rock club. The band on stage doesn't seem to get the hint as the crowd looks around, waiting for something. It's only when someone asks "So, who's on next?" that they get the hint to get off stage, and out of the club. Of the four, only the bassist appears happy with the performance. The other three members of the band hang their heads in shame was they pack up their stuff, and head out the door. ...
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by on June 27, 2023
//CA died on me when I tried to post this regularly, and I'm not willing to type it out again. After 32 hours on shift, Asuka is finally able to go home, and get some sleep. While walking from the tram to her house one may be forgiven for mistaking her for a zombie. Her eyes are bloodshot, sullen, and unmoving. Her hair is disheveled, frayed, and caked with dirt, soot, and blood. Then, there was her uniform. Once a spotless white. Now it's more of a light gray. Asuka's feet can barely mov...
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by on May 4, 2023
At first, when the health issues started popping up, Asuka thought she could manage them. Then, they started to get worse, and Asuka saw the writing on the wall. Either she could move in with her son and his family for them to take care of him, or she could move into a retirement home to get the care she needed. In the end, Asuka wanted her son and his family to be able to live their lives without having to spend so much time caring for her. Not that they would mind. In fact, Cyan seems pretty u...
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by on February 14, 2023
//Actual final post for the site. I wasn't happy with the ending I gave Asuka and her family before, so I wanted to give it another shot. If I don't end up being dissatisfied with this one I'll probably go back to to being dead after this. "Hey. Sock. Is my mane still good?" Mateo questions his wife on the state of his hair for about the fifth time since he'd styled it an hour ago. Asuka rolls her eyes, but her coy grin betrays her feigned annoyance. "Yes Matty. It looks great." Mateo pops a...
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by on November 12, 2022
6:00 AM, August 7, 2026, Ponyville. Asuka has been up for around 2 hours this morning, and for good reason. Today was the first day of school, and Asuka wanted to make sure everything would be ready for Cyan for his first day of Kindergarten. She's packed his backpack, made his lunch, and checked, and re-checked all of his clothes for any holes, or wrinkles. She can hardly believe it's time for him to start school, even though he'd already been through Pre-K the year prior. The thought causes...
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by on October 22, 2022
Why? Asuka had so many questions, and they all began with 'Why?', but she knew she wouldn't get any answers. Why did he try to be a hero? Why did he have to be in the shop when the gunman arrived? Why was the gunman there in the first place? Why shoot him in the head? All questions Asuka would be left with until her own death. ...
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by on August 26, 2022
After a long shift fraught with stress, tension, and a hostile drunk, Asuka and Frank are glad they're on their last call for the shift. With the clock at around 2 AM, neither of the two can wait to head home, and sleep for the rest of the night. Asuka sits in the back of the ambulance talking with a young stallion who was bruised, and had scratches all over his body. According to him, he hadn't gotten his significant other the right gift for her birthday, and she proceeded to beat him with it. ...
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by on August 30, 2021
Wind whips a cloud of white snow around the bus as it lazily chugs along a long forgotten road. It's driver has ridden this route many times before, so this storm is not unusual for him. His sleeping passenger had fallen asleep only 5 minutes after the bus left Vanhoover, and now that they were nearing their destination she was beginning to wake. By the time Asuka has managed to wake herself up she finds the wrinkled face of the veteran bus driver staring directly into her soul. That was as ...
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by on May 28, 2021
//Part 2. Music because why not. Howling wind slowly gives way to total silence. The bright glow of a flashlight illuminates the surprisingly spacious caverns of the mineshaft. Stone intermingles with ice, and a bitter cold permeates the cavern. The remnants of what used to be a mining operation sit half-frozen scattered about the cave. Soft hoofsteps are the only sound to be heard in these tunnels. As any creatures who might have inhabited them left long ago. ...
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by on May 18, 2021
Recently got into "We Were Here Together" with a friend, and it gave me an idea for a story, so here it is. This was the only time so far Asuka had come to Lunae without any plans to climb the mountain. She was in a bit of a rough spot in life right now, and she thought her old friend Roray might be a bit lonely. The old geezer was rightfully surprised when he saw Asuka step off of the rickety old bus. Did she really plan to summit Lunae a second time? Thankfully, no. She was just here to v...
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by on April 1, 2021
The time had finally come. After years of work off the clock Asuka could finally realize her dream. After leaving her old band behind Asuka could finally start her solo act as a streamer musician. Everything was set up perfectly. She had subscription, and donator tiers, channel memberships, custom notifications and alerts, and all the other vital components to being a full-time streamer. With a deep breath, she flicks the switch, and begins to broadcast herself to the internet at large. Putting ...
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by on March 29, 2021
//The final part of this story series. Featuring the 'climactic' final battle, and epilogue. Featuring Gray Rivers Alton-Yuri, Silver Bullet, Carmine Gumshoe, Ruby Trogdon, Vanil, Celtic Cross, Ephemeria Spring, Sherem, Zerathur A. Naszberuk, and Thunder Riff with permission. All spritework was originally made by Paul Robertson. I only made edits for the mentioned characters. I don't do requests/commissions since I am not the original artist. Human sprites because 1. I love Paul Robertson's w...
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by on March 5, 2021
A fire crackles at the foot of Mount Lunae. Three figures sit around the fire absorbing what little warmth it provided them. It's not as though any of them needed it. The cold here was nothing more than an annoyance. Just another in a myriad of troubles they all faced. So they sat by the fire to at least pretend to feel some grain of comfort. Morale was low after so many failures. One could only come so close so many times before they cracked. Yet the trio had yet to break. They refused to back...
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by on February 24, 2021
//Featuring Gray Rivers Alton-Yuri with permission. All spritework was originally made by Paul Robertson. I only made edits for Asuka, Nar, Juno, Roy, and Gray. I don't do requests/commissions since I am not the original artist. Human sprites because 1. I love Paul Robertson's work, and 2. I can't do anthro to save my life. [STORY START] ...
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by on February 18, 2021
// Part 3. This time with edge, and anxiety. Featuring Gray Rivers Alton-Yuri, Silver Bullet, and Carmine Gumshoe with permission. All spritework was originally made by Paul Robertson. I only made edits for Asuka, Nar, Juno, Roy, Gray, Silver, and Carmine. I don't do requests/commissions since I am not the original artist. Human sprites because 1. I love Paul Robertson's work, and 2. I can't do anthro to save my life. [STORY START] ...
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by on February 4, 2021
February 14th, 2019. Vanhoover. Asahi stared at his reflection in his car's mirror intently. He doubted every little thing about his own appearance. His mane wasn't styled perfectly. His suit jacket wasn't tucked in right. He had wrinkles in his dress pants. It's like he came here just to get embarrassed. Worst of all, it was February in Vanhoover, so he couldn't let his car's top down like he loved to. The sound of shoes clacking against concrete catches Asahi's attention. As he looks ov...
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by on January 21, 2021
//Part 2 of the Battle of the Bands storyline. I plan to do more of these stories with edits. Also looking to borrow characters for these stories if people want to see their characters in the stories/scenes. Featuring Gray Rivers Alton-Yuri, Silver Bullet, and Carmine Gumshoe with permission. All spritework was originally made by Paul Robertson. I only made edits for Asuka, Nar, Juno, Roy, Gray, Silver, and Carmine. I don't do requests/commissions since I am not the original artist. Human spri...
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by on January 17, 2021
//It's time for me to write a story inspired by a game/series I'm engrossed in again. This time with accompanying sprite scenes. Might do more of these stories with edits. Also looking to borrow characters for these stories if people want to see their characters in the stories/scenes. Featuring Gray Rivers Alton-Yuri and Carmine Gumshoe with permission. All spritework was originally made by Paul Robertson. I only made edits for Asuka, Nar, Juno, Roy, Gray, and Carmine. I don't do requests...
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by on January 3, 2021
//This is a story that explores a sort of alternate future I had in mind for Asuka. One that I ended up scrapping since it would effectively retire her prematurely. So I've decided to write it as an alternate future story. A young stallion steps off of a rickety old bus in the middle of the Frozen North. Despite his heavy coat the young man can't help but shiver after hearing the crunch of the compacted snow below. His eyes focus on the mountain ahead. A mountain so tall that it pokes above...
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by on December 28, 2020
When an old mare claimed to put a curse on Gray after he refused to give up food for a fortune everyone just thought she was crazy. Sure, magic was real, but she wasn't even a unicorn. How was she going to curse Gray without magic? "Uh. Guys?" Nar's voice cuts through the current conversation between Gray, Asuka, and Carmine. They all stop to listen. Asuka feels the car begin to slow down before it comes to a complete stop. Nar then finishes his statement. "We're out of gas." Everyone is qu...
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by on December 14, 2020
//Part two of the series featuring 2 characters I've been allowed to borrow. Music included. Asuka and Nar had been on the road for only two days, and they already found their food supply starting to run low. If they wanted to make it to Canterlot they'd have to stop regularly to gather supplies. This would be a much simpler task if it weren't for the fact that pretty much every place you could find supplies was either crawling with zombies, already looted, or both. The duo had already passe...
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by on December 11, 2020
//Had this idea for a series of stories in mind for a while. Decided it was time to start the darn thing. Also going back to an old habit and adding some music links to this series. Might feature some other people's characters in this series if their owners don't mind. ...
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