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Aphid, as their changeling name, has many forms they like to take depending on how they feel. Their current form is Sonar. Like many of the changelings, he was born and raised in the hive with the queen. Aphid was born not long before Thorax took over as the leader and is still considered a young changeling. Aphid was an outcast as a hatchling and never had many friends. So they find approaching others to be a difficult challenge. But when being approached by someone for a chat they have no prob... View More
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Nitroxus Soulspins Sonar (Aphid)
*Nitroxus bounced on some bubbles that he was blowing into the air. He landed in front of the changeling and then smiled. He then passed them a large gift* Happy Birthday to you!
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*Nitroxus rode on a magical flying paintbrush that was making a trail of rainbow paint. He soon smiled to them. He then passed a large gift over to them.* Happy Birthday!
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Welcome to help! Also, who could forget a cool birthday?
aww, thanks! I just realized, I didn't know your birthday until now. (also haven't checked this website in a bit I'm so sorry ToT) :l But now that I know it I'll be sure to remember as you have mine :)
October 1, 2024
Oh, my birthday? Its October 16th, yet why do you ask?
//Thank you for taking note.
I can tell, it's always nice seeing you pop in haha
//I was not aware of this, I'm not on here enough apparently lol.
October 2, 2024
*Nitroxus climbed up the hill using some very large boots on his legs. He smiled to the changeling as he stood over them. He soon passed a large gift over to them.* Happy Birthday!
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*Nitroxus walked on some stilts toward to the changeling. He soon smiled to them. He then passed a large git over to them.* Happy Birthday!
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Remember to enjoy your life and time while pursuing your goals.
April 12, 2022
i try, though honestly life have been hard the last few days.. idk what's wrong with me
April 18, 2022
Well, you're getting older and time is getting short. Life is still going forward.
April 18, 2022
yea, but i've been kinda stuck in my head. my friend helped me get out of part of it and things are somewhat better now at least
April 18, 2022
It can be hard. Yet writing things down helps get thoughts out.
April 18, 2022
Well there are other things to do. You can work on your hobbies.
Mythic, feeling slightly sad and not knowing what else to do decides to go for a walk around Canterlot to see if they can make their day somewhat better.
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I don't really know T^T life's just not been the nicest to me lately...
October 15, 2019
*Mythic spotted him and was slightly concerned...but somewhat intrigued to check it out...* "Cookies for Satan" huh?
October 17, 2019
My name is Mythic shadow ,^^ I'm the non-binary child between a pegasus and a draconequus ,^^ it's nice to meet you ^^
*Nitroxus could be seen floating down to the house with the help of many inflated balloons. He was popping one for every meter he needed for descent. He would soon touchdown on the ground in front of ... View More
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*Nitroxus exploded out of the ground and bowed* I hope that enjoy the times that you will spend here!
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