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Alder Pinedrake

Male. Lives in  Foal Mountain,  Equestria. 19 years old
Earth Pony
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Alder Pinedrake
I’m back!! Sorry for just randomly disappearing but I was taking a break from everything since I got really sad. But I am now back to being happy and healthy! :3
Alder Pinedrake
What should I name my new OC???
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Princess Starwatcher
Like December 13, 2023 Edited
Alder Pinedrake
Ooo that's good, what does it mean?
Like December 13, 2023
Princess Starwatcher
Dunno.. it was one of my old names on discord x3
Like December 13, 2023
Alder Pinedrake
oh. cool.
Like December 13, 2023
Icy Creation
Name first, design first, or lore first? If it isn't name first, I'd have to see the design or a short summary of their idea to give a good suggestion. Otherwise... Summer Blossom? Indigo Sunrise?
Like December 13, 2023
Alder Pinedrake
I'm kinda just seeing any name people suggest and seeing if it'll suit my next oc. What I can give you about my oc is that he's evil and wants to make everyone suffer with his new experiments and magic. I'm still working on his lore and stuff.
Like December 13, 2023
Icy Creation
Platinum Blaze Platinum is often used in scientific experiments due to its properties. And his coming will bring a blaze.
Like December 13, 2023 Edited
Alder Pinedrake
Oh I love this one
Like December 14, 2023
Like December 13, 2023
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Alder Pinedrake
You are very persistent on that name...why??
Like December 13, 2023
Because it was a nice name the first time around
Like December 13, 2023
Alder Pinedrake
Aspenito the lovely burrito
Like December 14, 2023
Nitroxus Soulspins
You're changing it again? What about Abine Kinder
Like December 13, 2023
Alder Pinedrake
Oh no, it's for my new oc. I'm just creating a new slot for it. :pinkie:
Like December 13, 2023
Nitroxus Soulspins
Oh, Do you like the idea?
Like December 14, 2023
Alder Pinedrake
*Alder Pinedrake stared at you for a while before throwing a python right at you and running away so you don't hold him accountable for his silly actions. However, why did he do such a thing??? It's n... View More
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Alder Pinedrake
Who wanna open a box?? (Totally not a trick) #rp
Alder Pinedrake
Alder was walking around Ponyville dressed in a dragon costume with a snake wrapped around his neck like a scarf. "I'm the best-lookin' dragon in town" he bragged to himself quietly and in a polite ma... View More
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Princess Starwatcher
You don’t need to dress up to be the best dragon in town
Like October 30, 2023 Edited
Shifter Burnside
Like October 30, 2023
"You will always find me in the past. I can be created in the present, But the future can never taint me. What am I?"
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Alder Pinedrake
A person in jail :>
Like October 18, 2023
History, as it exists in the past, it is created in the present through events and actions, but the future cannot change or alter it.
Like October 18, 2023
Like October 18, 2023
Sprouting Bulb
Like October 18, 2023
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"who's joe?"
Like October 18, 2023
Olive Drab
"Joe mama"
Like October 18, 2023
Like October 18, 2023
Nitroxus Soulspins
*Nitroxus would be shocked.* How did you even? Never mind, that answer is history. Much like a memory, it can be faded, formed yet never forced. So, how may I help you?
Like October 18, 2023
Alder Pinedrake
I think it would be adorable if changelings would say "Bug, Bug, Gimme dat hug" for whenever they want to hug or affection from some pony! #rp
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Sprouting Bulb
"I think it would be adorable if all of your blood was outside of your body."
Like September 30, 2023
Alder Pinedrake
.....*Alder casually turns on a big lantern*
Like September 30, 2023
Sprouting Bulb
"...I'm not a moth, sir."
Like September 30, 2023
Alder Pinedrake
...uhh I knew that
Like September 30, 2023
Acid Fang
Bug...Bug...Gimme dat hug...???
Like September 30, 2023
Alder Pinedrake
Try it out sometime!
Like September 30, 2023
Alder Pinedrake
Alder looked around, pouting. "It's quiet....a little too quiet...I can fix that!!" he grinned and ran off to his home before returning with a bunch of wild animals and allowing them to run around the... View More
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Nitroxus Soulspins
*The ground below Alder would shake and rumble. Soon the explosion of a familiar of green and black coming out of the ground. Nitroxus would chuckle as he pulled himself out of the ground.* Woah, never go to the left like that again. *Looking around, he would see Alder.* Heyo.
Like September 30, 2023
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Alder Pinedrake
Alder gasped out loud as he stared at Nitroxus. "What's up with you?" he asked.
Like September 30, 2023
Nitroxus Soulspins
I was digging around, I hope that I didn't scare you.
Like September 30, 2023
Alder Pinedrake
Like September 30, 2023 Edited
Alder Pinedrake
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Obsilion and Others
Like September 29, 2023
Alder Pinedrake
Nah, I like the other two but don't know what to pick for them.
Like September 29, 2023
Nitroxus Soulspins
Oh my goodness, Comp has a good name too. This is hard.
Like September 29, 2023
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Alder Pinedrake
IKR!!! :pinkie:
Like September 29, 2023
Nitroxus Soulspins
How is there still a tie?
Like September 30, 2023
Nitroxus Soulspins
Me won?
Like September 30, 2023
Alder Pinedrake
Got any Idea what I should rename Aspen??? Because I don't. :rd_sunglasses:
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Like September 29, 2023
Alder Pinedrake
Can you be my father?! :pinkie:
Like September 29, 2023
Sprouting Bulb
Cooler Aspen
Like September 29, 2023
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Alder Pinedrake
Come one bugz...I think we both know you're only using 1% of your braincells right now...
Like September 29, 2023
Sprouting Bulb
...Way Cooler Aspen
Like September 29, 2023
Alder Pinedrake
...You have no more braincells left do you?
Like September 29, 2023
Asbean ?
Like September 29, 2023
Alder Pinedrake
...Brain cells not all there again buddy?
Like September 29, 2023
Nitroxus Soulspins
What about this? Alder Pinedrake?
Like September 29, 2023
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Alder Pinedrake
OH MY GOODNESS...are you...are you heaven?
Like September 29, 2023
Nitroxus Soulspins
No, I'm Nitroxus Soulspins, and I'm just good with writing.
Like September 29, 2023
Alder Pinedrake
Wait wait wait, what would you name for a character that has a "puppy personality"??
Like September 29, 2023
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