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by on May 5, 2020
Dear Princess Celestia,
My brother thinks that you don't read these letters, but I trust that you do, after all, I heard that you ready your students letter, I think her name is sunset shimmer, so why wouldn't you read mine?
Me and my brother have just moved from dodge junction to here in manehatten after being forced to give away our family farm. It is so much different here, and I don't know how I feel about it. we spent the last of the money we had getting the train tickets, hoping there would be opportunity for us here, after all, so many ponies come here and seem to leave really well off. Apparently this isn't the case. My brother, as much as I love him, made some very poor choices with our money, some sketchy pony greeted us outside the train station, promising that if we invested in his company we could receive big returns. we haven't been able to find that pony ever since, I think we are now homeless if that is the way to put it. I hope my experience in manehatten wont make me become that kind of pony who scams others, I want to be honest, but if it is something we need to do to survive... I hope it doesn't come down to that.
We met a filly as we began to try to make do with what little we had. She called herself "Leslie Fair" I don't quite know why she called herself that as it doesn't seem that her parents named her that. But when we first met her, she was super aggressive, she must have thought that we were trying to take stuff from her. I don't know why she thought this, certainly even ponies living in poverty have some sort of moral compass. We began to share an alleyway together. for some reason the more we were talking, the more I began to... I don't know, get butterflies? is that the right expression? I really don't know what this means, maybe I should ask leslie… or maybe not, she wont want to know about that kind of thing I don't think. maybe you could write back and tell me what it means.
But Princess Celestia, I wanted to write to you so that you could maybe help us. You see, there is some sort of thing called "school" that I heard from leslie that fillies and colts go to. but I don't hardly have the money to go to one, and I wouldn't even know where to start with it. leslie says its a way for ponies to get smarter, and me and my brother, we are very smart I think, but maybe if we get smarter, we can help get out of this situation we are in.
Your faithful subject, Flam Flimflam."
Topics: flam, flim, lore, backstory
3 people like this.
Just ponging and for lore readons obviously.
Like May 5, 2020
Dr. Marina Bleu
>got butterflies does flam get butterflies when he talks to marina 😔 This was interesting, i look forward to more, maybe next time add some breaks in the paragraphs so it’s a bit easier to read?
Like May 5, 2020 Edited
ye, but flam is just awkward teenager he dunno what he likes
Like May 5, 2020
HNNG, I would honestly die for them
Like May 5, 2020