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Asuka Yakushi
by on May 7, 2020
//It's Asuka's time for some lore. Except I'm just going to be going into her relationship with her family. We need a break from all the sad lore so have some happy lore.
"Alright! Lunch time!" A straw hatted unicorn stallion rushes past the camera headed for a row of folding tables lined with bowls and dishes filled with food. "Hey hey hey! No cutting!" Another stallion grumbles. "Cutting? You weren't in line." The camera pans to reveal the straw hatted stallion standing in front of a somewhat smaller pegasus stallion. "You do this every year Nar!" "Maybe you guys should be faster then."
The video jumps to a shot of groups of ponies sitting at different circular tables. The camera zooms to focus on a group of young adult ponies. Sitting at the table are the two stallions from the first shot, a much larger earth pony stallion with deep red fur, and a light brown mane, and two mares. One with a jet black short mane, and light blue fur, and the other with a long blonde mane with pink fur.
"Slow down Nar. You're going to choke." The blonde mare says in a serious tone. The straw hatted stallion laughs. "C'mon Asuka. I can handle my foo-" He stops to cough, and beat his chest a few times. "-food. I can handle my food. Besides! You're in EMT school right? You could do something if I choked right?" "Paramedic. Not EMT. And if you choke you're waiting for the real EMTs to arrive." "Man. You can be a real jerk sometimes you know?"
Cut to a shot of around 10 ponies between ages 13 and 21 standing in a field. Every pony from the previous shot is present. Each pony is carrying a basket. colorful plastic eggs can be seen at different locations in the background. A mare's voice can be heard from behind the camera. "Ready? Go!" 9 of the 10 ponies take off with the straw hat stallion beginning to walk at a leisurely pace. Another mare's voice can be heard behind the camera. "What are you doing Nar! Go look for eggs!" With the response. "Slow and steady wins the race!" "NOT IN AN EGG HUNT IT DOESN'T!" "I'M ALMOST 20!" "That doesn't matter! At least TRY to not come in last again!"
Meanwhile the camera pans to reveal Asuka bolting through the open field towards a shed in the distance. She stops every few seconds to pick up an egg or two, but eventually reaches the shed. Another pan reveals the others to be just as dedicated. Except for the straw hatted stallion. He's just sort of walking around and picking up any stray eggs the others missed. This continues for about 10 minutes until the camera focuses on Asuka looking through a series of bushes with he basket on the ground outside of the bushes. The straw hatted stallion approaches Asuka's basket while holding his own. He looks at his basket, then hers. One of the voices behind the camera speaks quietly. "Is he going to steal her basket?" The straw hatted stallion kneels down, and tips his basket to slowly allow eggs to fall from his basket into Asuka's. Once his basket is empty he quickly flees the scene so Asuka doesn't catch him.
Another cut reveals the 10 ponies standing in a line as an older stallion inspects every bag. "Impressive! Very impressive!" Until he gets to the straw hatted stallion. "Ehrm... Nar... You know you're supposed to hunt eggs right?" The straw hatted stallion nods. "You have 3 eggs, and a pile of rocks." "Yes." The older stallion simply sighs before turning to the camera. "Our winner, 5 years in a row! Asuka!" This is followed by around of applause with Asuka beaming a confident smile.
There area few shots of various interactions throughout the event until it reaches a shot of a row of mares and a row of stallions standing about 15 feet apart. Each of the mares is wearing a white dress, and laurel of flowers with every stallion wearing Sunday best. On the far right are Asuka and Nar standing across from each other. Music begins to play, and the two rows do a dance that involves walking forwards 5 feet while dancing, doing a small dance, then backing up 5 feet, and repeating for about 4 minutes. After the dance is finished a mare steps forwards to announce a "flower queen." Asuka can be seen conversing with Nar seeming quite upset at him. "Hey, I forget the dance sometimes. We only do this thing once a year." "It's not that hard. You just walk back and forth while crouching, and kicking your hooves." "Yeah, but I'm not good at that."
There's 10 minutes of other shots showing other family members and their conversations. There are quite a few shots of children playing, and parents reminiscing. The final shot is at night with dozens of ponies gathered in the field all waiting in silence.
At first there's one little yellow light in the distance. Then 4 more. Before long the scene is filled with hundreds of flickering yellow lights. There are "ooh"s and "aah"s from the crowd with some of the fillies and colts attempting to catch some of the lights inside jars. Two familiar voices can be heard in front of the camera. "I know you helped me during the egg hunt. I just want to know why?" One of the ponies in front of the camera sits up slightly. "Because you always look forward to the egg hunt every year. I don't really care if I win or loose, as long as everyone else has fun. I saw you were a little behind so I decided to give you the eggs I'd found." "You didn't have to do that you know." "Eh. I like seeing you win the hunt every year. You're always really energetic afterwards. Makes band practice waaaay more fun. Besides. It's a tradition at this point. If you lost an egg hunt Easter wouldn't be the same." The two go silent, and after 3 minutes of fireflies the video ends.
"In loving memory of Thomas Kazunah- 1940- 2018"
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The Outsider
Yes, hello, can someone please contact Comp and ask him to add the ability to give multiple likes? Right, thank you! On a bit of a side note, reading this has brightened my day a fair bit, even with that ending (Actually, don't mind me, I'm dumb and can't remember names). Congratulations, comrade!
Like May 7, 2020 Edited