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Cally Ber
by on May 15, 2020
CHARGE 1: Hold 3 @ Equestrian Marshal Office
- Warrant #F82139862, Aggravated Assault of Peace Officer - Serious Bodily Injury - Deadly Weapon, No Bond
- Warrant #F29519284, Possession of Controlled Substance - PG 1 - 50G < 100G, 4,300 Bits
- Warrant #F23144489, Homicide, No Bond
CHARGE 2: Aggravated Assault of Federal Peace Officer - Deadly Weapon F/1 (EPC 21.43(C))
On May 3, 2020, at 3:43 PM Arrested Pony Gunner Beatnick, after being informed 3 different times by Arresting Officer Equestrian Ranger Cally Ber #11597 of Federal Peace Officer presence, attempted to fire a deadly weapon (semi-automatic shotgun - 12GA) at Arresting Officer Equestrian Ranger Cally Ber #11597 on 3303 W Ponyton Dr.
CHARGE 3: Possession of Controlled Substance - PG 1 - 50G < 100G F/1 (EHSC 372.18(F)G)
On May 3, 2020, at 3:43 PM, Arresting Officers (A/Os) Equestrian Ranger Cally Ber #11597 and Ponyville Police Department Sergeant Darren Cuffs #0287 conducted a warrant service at 3303 W Ponyton Dr, Ponyville, Canterlot County, Equestria. The warrant was signed on May 3, 2020, at 1:15 PM at Canterlot County Jail by Magistrate Color Splay.
The Equestrian Rangers have received information from several fantastic calls to service by the High-Risk Raid Team (HRRT) and Ponyville Police Department. From this information, Equestrian Rangers were able to determine Arrested Pony (A/P) Gunner Beatnick was at 3303 W Ponyton Dr. A/P Gunner Beatnick had several warrants of differing jurisdictions. A/O C. Ber #11597, as the lead federal investigator, lead the investigation of the federal warrant 'Aggravated Assault of Peace Officer - Serious Bodily Injury' A/P Gunner Beatnick was charged with on December 21, 2019. The warrant was signed on January 3, 2020, by Equestrian Royalty Staff Princess Twilight Sparkle, who approved deadly force and no-knock confrontation.
Equestrian Rangers in connection with Ponyville Police Department HRRT traveled to 3303 W Ponyton Dr in 3 marked Equestrian Ranger Armored Pony Carriers (APC), 4 marked Ponyville Police Department patrol vehicles, and with all personnel with marked Peace Officer recognition. Responding Officers issued several statements of immediate Federal and Local Peace Officer entry, stating, "Police, Police, Police." A/Os fired the issued H283M Anchor System into the metals burglar bar windows of the residence, breaking the windows to catch the metal bars. A/Os fired the weapon 4 times at opposing entries, including doorways. At no time were there injuries while using the emergency entry tool at this time.
A/Os successfully pulled the metal bars from the windows and doors of the residence with the pully system of the H283M Anchor System. A/Os fired issued M203 Grenade Attachment Launcher into the residence, using G83 Gas issued by the Equestrian Ranger Armory. G83 is a riot deterrent and unable to cause any injury to all parties but used to separate and irritate suspects. At no time were there injuries while using the equipment at this time.
A/O D. Cuffs #0287 with issued Flash Shield with Ballistic Armor used forced entry onto the residence front door, breaking the door. Officer did not knock and announce due to Officer Safety from the history of A/P Gunner Beatnick law enforcement aggressiveness. A/O C. Ber #11597 followed A/O D. Cuffs #0287 without the shield but displaying a Knights Armament 9mm Colt Sub-Machine Gun for Officer Safety. At this time, A/P Gunner Beatnick fired a black shotgun-style weapon at A/O C. Ber #11597. A/O D. Cuffs #0287 blocked the fired rounds diligently with A/O D. Cuffs #0287 shield. A/O C. Ber #11597, fearing for her life and life of her partner, fired 5 rounds from her Knights Armament 9mm Colt Sub-Machine Gun to stop the threat of A/P Gunner Beatnick. The fired rounds all collided with A/O Gunner Beatnick, stopping any immediate deadly encounter towards A/Os.
The A/Os cleared the residence and found no other threats or wanted ponies. While clearing the residence, A/O C. Ber #11597 recognized from prior experience a black tar-like substance in 21 mason jars. The black tar-like substance within the mason jars was taken into custody under suspicion of narcotics.
A/P Gunner Beatnick was placed into Federal custody for several outstanding warrants.
A/P Gunner Beatnick was transported to Mercy Hospital in Canterlot due to several critical injuries.
A/O C. Ber #11597 used her issued test kit for the black tar-like substance, A/O D. Cuffs #0287 stood as a witness for the testing of the possible narcotics. The test confirmed the black tar-like substance to be heroin.
These weights are approximated and should not be seen as exact:
Weight of substance with packaging: 102G
Weight of substance alone: 98G
Weight of substance with drug tag bag: 132G
The narcotics were taken to Canterlot Property Room.
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Cally Ber
Just a short report on how we make arrest reports, it's usually longer however especially with the charges. This is based on the commission I asked for made by with Cally and
Like May 15, 2020 Edited