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The Outsider
by on October 18, 2020
Two lanterns softly swayed in the darkness, lightening up the way to their destination. No breeze rolled through the hills, a light mist curled and twirled by the corners of the eye. This was no ordinary night, but that information was never given to the young stallions. No, no, no, that would ruin the whole surprise, we wouldn't want that, would we?
The colder temperature seeped into the flesh and bones of the smaller one like thousands of thin needles, but none of the others seemed to be really minding it, so why play the weakling? The lantern on his mouth shook a bit with one of the stronger shivers, the flame within dimming so very slightly, and yet, something that was noticed by the three others.
Muffled voices and small discussions ensued as they trotted down the road, but the conclusion is uncertain, and nothing really seemed to change. Perhaps for the better, at least the one feeling the coldest would continue to hold onto a source of warmth, even if at the risk of having the flame go out with the involuntary shivers and spasms.
Petty squabbles aside, the only reason for them to've not stopped upon the start of such a cold night and decided to keep on moving was that they were relying on the darkness. Part of their assignment was to not be seen when approaching their destination. The whole mission would be in jeopardy if they were spotted by the authorities, after all. The place lied just one or two miles off to the West of Ponyville. A great wooden manor of old said to be abandoned for over a hundred years.
It all seemed to be a wonderful idea at first, but now that they all stand before the old gates, some question their previously hasty decisions. Yet another argument ensues, and once more it led to nowhere, for the will of their leader was hard to break, and his words were final. The gates opened with but a simple push, revealing the path that led through a garden long uncared for. Thorn bushes blocked other passages, and the trees reached up towards the moonless night sky like twisted skeletal fingers. And yet, even in the gloomy atmosphere, a soft blue glow dotted the area beyond the thorns and branches, its source kept hidden by the low mist.
Gravel crunched gently beneath their hooves as they made their way into the property, making sure to close the gate behind them. Following the path led them directly to the front door of the manor, but the first few tries with the lockpick didn't come with any result, for the mechanisms of the lock appeared to've rusted long ago. As they readied themselves to break in by force, however, a soft click was heard, and the door swang open as if carried by the wind, of which there was none.
The four stood outside for a long moment, eyeing each other. A sword and a dagger were pulled, and, followed by the two lanterns, they trotted inside. The foyer divided into three corridors, one that went to each side and one that ran straight the middle, leading to a flight of stairs that curved off to the right, away from sight. Their voices sounded more muffled in this oppressing and dark interior, but for a third time, they argued.
The argument was cut short by the sound of a heavy object falling to the floor upstairs, just above their heads. Alert, they all readied themselves for an attack, a trap, anything, but nothing ever came. Wasn't this house supposed to be abandoned, they were probably thinking. Well, there was only one way to really find out. The leader told the smaller one to set aside his lantern and take the lead, for he was the one who told them about this place.
And so he led them down the main corridor and up the stairs. Up to another corridor, but this one had windows to one of the sides, all of them boarded shut from inside. The left side had a few boarded-up doors, but down in the very end, there was one still open, quietly moving very so slightly and then suddenly slamming close. A heavy wind ran down the hallway, and the fire within the one lantern they brought upstairs flickered off.
There was still light in the corridor. A pair of dull blue eyes and a single red eye filled with hunger silently stared at the four equestrians from the darkness, emitting a very soft glow of their own. Surprised gasps were followed by muffled screams, all of which soon to be replaced by the sounds of bones cracking and flesh being torn apart. Drops of a warm liquid splashed onto the chitin under the small one's disguise.
The librarian had brought in fine specimens, just as we were about to run out of materials for our spells.