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Asuka Yakushi
by on December 11, 2020
//Had this idea for a series of stories in mind for a while. Decided it was time to start the darn thing. Also going back to an old habit and adding some music links to this series.
Might feature some other people's characters in this series if their owners don't mind.
It all went downhill so quickly. One day someone reports some weird symptoms to their local doctor. Next they're in the ICU, and a day later the hospital gets put into quarantine. Everything just went so wrong so fast after the first report came in. "It's just a myth. Zombies aren't real." The world ignored the signs, and Equestria paid for it. Appeloosia was the first to fall. Then it just swept north, destroying cities and towns left and right. Within 3 months only three cities were left standing. Vanhoover, Cloudsdale, and Canterlot. Vanhoover has held out against the undead for almost half a year now. With it's remote location, and access to the Lunar Bay the city was ale to survive for a time, but eventually the undead got in.
Asuka lost contact with her sister just after the outbreak started, but just a few days before now she got a few messages from Hiari.
"Canterlot is safe."
"I am at Canterlot."
"News from Vanhoover is not good"
"Cloudsdale is gone."
"If Vanhoover falls, come to Canterlot."
"Good luck."
Asuka and her cousin stuff as many supplies as they can into their backpacks. Nar carries most of the food, and whatever weapons they could find while Asuka carries the medical supplies, and her own weapons. Asuka takes one last look outside of her apartment window. She can hear gunshots coming from the eastern side of the city, and see creatures fleeing west. They don't have much time. Asuka looks to Nar, and the two give a nod. It's time to go.
The pair exit their apartment and begin heading towards the eastern staircase. Along the way Asuka can see some of her neighbors peeking through their doors to see what the noise is. It looks like some of them are planning to hold up in their apartments. The concrete of the eastern stairs make quite the noise as two ponies descend to the first floor. Just outside other creatures are fleeing west. Some are running, some are flying, and some are driving.
The doors to the northern entrance of the apartment block swing open as Asuka and Nar dash out to a car in the parking lot. Nar unlocks the car, and the two place their bags in the back seat before hopping in themselves. Asuka sits in the passenger seat with Nar in the driver seat. The car starts up, and not long after it backs out, and heads off onto a back road. The highways were too crowded for what these two were attempting. While the majority of the Vanhoover Populace was boarding boats at the bay, or shoring up in their homes Asuka and Nar had a different plan. While the rest headed west, they were heading east. East, and then south. Southeast to Canterlot.
The pair makes a quick stop at a gas station to fill their tank, and two extra cans before taking off east once more. Snaking through the back roads of Vanhoover the two occasionally see glimpses of military vehicles, police vehicles, and uniformed creatures guiding others through the streets. As they glimpse central park the gunfire becomes all too clear. Police and military vehicles have formed makeshift blockades, and armed creatures appear to be battling an unseen foe. The two pass another stretch of buildings, and they finally see the foe.
A swarm of creatures, many in some state of decay, surging towards the barricades. Most are rather slow, but some appear to have hastened their step. The car passes a few of the undead on it's way out of Vanhoover, and Nar ends up plowing into one when he's unable to navigate around it. Despite the increasing number of undead the car manages to speed out of Vanhoover, and begin it's trek southeast. The occupants breath a collective sigh of relief. Deep down the two know they've just left without a few of their close friends, but there was no time to pick them up. Now they can only hope that their friends, in, and out of Vanhoover are, and will be safe.
As the car speeds along the highway southeast Nar cracks a smile. "All aboard! Next stop, Canterlot!"
//To be continued.
Topics: zombies, series
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Like December 11, 2020