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Rosa Cavalier
by on January 14, 2021
Many Years From Now
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Feathers. Pegasus ponies had feathers. Changeligns had insect-like wings that'd buzz as they flapped. Thestrals, on the other hoof, had webbed wings...almost like dragons. A leathery flesh that connected to each "finger" and the wing's "forearm" together.
Unlike pegasus wings, a thestral pony's wing was much easier to damage. No, not from the webbing itself being weak (it is very much strong), but from how they heal. When torn, the webbing will not heal quickly, and can only heal under intensive but gentle care. Just like a normal bat. So, that leaves an important detail to cover...Rosa's wings.
Let's start with...well...we won't share the details of how her wings were damaged, or what happened to the majority of her abilities. Instead, what is happening now.

Rosa had awoken with a deep gasp, eyes wide as she looked around the room she was in. It was...definitely an infirmary, but not one that the usual guard would awaken in. This room was well set up, with equipment for even an Alicorn to be saved with. This was definitely a room set aside for the Princesses of Equestria. But the question would rise, why was she in this room and not a normal one?
"You have no reason to worry, Rosa. You are safe here, and none shall bother you in your returning condition," a very familiar voice stated, the darker Princess coming into view.
" daughter...where..." Rosa started. She' licked her lips... why was she so thirs-ouch! She scratched her tongue on her...oh no. "My teeth...they... waz true..."
"I am afraid so, my guard. Your dormant vampirism has returned, much earlier than expected, but a good site none-the-less. Strangely, your wings have yet to heal." As Luna spoke, Rosa was having a hard time trying to figure out why the blankets were pinning her front-left hoof down. She'd try to move it, but it was...somewhat stuck. Something inside her kept screaming to leave it be, let it rest, but she still fidgeted.
"You didn't anzwer the firzt..." she'd grunt in annoyance, forcing her fangs to return back into her maw. She was...never going to live like she did before, her fangs showing every moment. "You didn't answer my first question, Princess Luna."
"Please, do not call me Princess. We are more like sisters, we've known each other almost as long as I've been alive. And, you should know the answer, Rosa. She is your weight to bear." The Princess of the Night chuckled into a hoof, nodding towards Rosa.
The vampire need-not ask why, she rolled her eyes and slowly peeked over to see her daughter, curled up and resting on the blankets. "Mousey...I hope she wasn't to scared."
"Mousey?" Luna asked, head tilting, "I thought her name wa-"
A knock on the door would cut her off.
Luna sighed, turning to make her exit. "Rest, Rosa Cavalier. Your life isn't over, not by a long shot."
Rosa gave a small nod, finally getting her hoof free and reaching out to pet the filly's mane. "We call her Mouse for how small and quick she is. Plus, it's easier to say hide like a mouse than to say hide like-" she'd look over, seeing Luna looking at her with a raised eyebrow and smirk before exiting the room.
Right, Princess Luna was the one who gave her the nickname to give. Princess Luna had given Rosa that nickname once.
She'd lay her head back and let out a small chuckle, "at least it's not rat... Could you imagine a flying rat? ... Sleep well, little Mouse."

Rosa would sing softly to her filly, looking out at the moonlight,
The wind sings the longest tune
Adrift under the ashen moon
The road ahead has an unforgiving toll
I've journeyed to where I stand
A ghost among the far-off lands
Survive against the fire and the cold

Right now, Present
Rosa stared off into the distance, seeing the moon rising high in the sky. Her wings spread wide, feeling the breeze as it passes over them and through her mane and tail.
Walk in the deepest of footprints
Step into the fog
Breaking the silence
A threatening song
On the trail of the ancients
The demons awake
At the end of all evil
The battleground shakes
To the sound of the metal
The splinters of bone
In a war with the summoned
The soldiers of stone
As the vessel of guardians
I follow along
With the words of the wise
In the way of the strong
Topics: little mouse
4 people like this.
Chiller Sway
Bruh I don't care what the infirmary looks like how many mops did they have to use outside??
Like January 14, 2021
Rosa Cavalier
There is no record of mops being required.
Like January 14, 2021
Rosa Cavalier
<An excerpt from decades from now. A journal lost, literally, in time. This comment is not to be taken Canonically!> "What would your mother think of us, Mouse? We're both mares!"... View More
Like January 14, 2021 Edited
Rosa Cavalier
((Added little more. Gotta make sure is mentioned in this xD))
Like January 14, 2021