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Polo Fastter
by on January 22, 2021
*warning this part of the lore going to go dark*
polo was at home drinking tea when his door was broken into. the time was 9:00 pm as someone walked right near polo and said "hello music note it been what, 20 years since i last seen you and my you look better".
polo just looked at them and said "who are you talking about?" then, the stranger grabbed the tea kettle and throws in at polo who ducked. "you know what am talking about after all, i own you" the stranger said as they proceed to tackle polo into the ground and whispered "i know you better then you know yourself music...". polo punched the stranger in the face and said "get out you piece of shit".
the stranger picked polo up by the neck then, throws him across the room and said "have you forgotten you manors, don't insult your guest". polo throws a chair at them only for the chair to explode into splinters.
"a chair out of all the things you could of thrown at me you chose a chair" the stranger said as a death smell enter the house. "why don't you go back into your coffin grandfather" polo said as he tackled the vampire into a table.
"impressive but, lacking" the vampire said as he shove polo into the table before knocking him out. "wife please take our grandson into the house" the vampire said as a zombie unicorn pick polo up and said "you sure this is him?". the vampire just looked at her and said "you doubt it?". the unicorn shake her head and said "no he just looked different". the unicorn put polo into a cart as the vampire sat down next to the unicorn and said "to the house on the double".
Topics: #loregang
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