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Polo Fastter
by on January 23, 2021
crimson sit there as a historian explain the crystal empire and crimson simple said "wrong in fact king sombra didn't exist up until 25 years later during it advancement in science and magic". then the historian started talking about celestia main and why it was always rainbow then crimson said "again wrong, she use all the element which cause her main to turn rainbow from the after effect of using all the elements at once".
the historian started yelling at crimson as he simple said "and you got a degree on history what a joke". crimson leaves the place shaking his head. "so you are the myth from the stories?" a unicorn said as crimson replied " myth from what stories?".
the unicorn simple said "the one about the walking crystal statue" crimson laugh before saying "listen that sound fake ok now, why don't you go home and...". the unicorn pick crimson up then hurls him into a tree. "and what, ignore the chance to capture a piece of history?" the unicorn pick up cart and throws it at crimson who dodged it and covered the unicorn legs in crystal. "who told you about me?" crimson said as the unicorn looked crimson straight in the eyes and said "the jinn told me all about you...".
crimson knocked her out and removed the crystal and said "after all these year she decide to show up, must be something big about to happen". crimson levitate the cart back and fixes it by using crystal on it before walking to saddle arabia
Topics: #loregang
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