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Polo Fastter
by on January 28, 2021
(warning this story is just before hunter getting polo after he fell from the window and yes it will go dark)
"well this is not good" hunter said as he just stood in front of the destroyed cart aiming the revolver at the cart. hunter looked at the destroyed cart door and said " how did this get destroyed?". hunter noticed a vine growing between the grooves of the cart wheel and said "strange, didn't think a vine grows that fast and..." hunter fired the revolver at a purple mare. "why do all of his friends always attack first and ask question later?" the mare said as the bullet missed as hunter put his revolver away and said " what are you doing here?". the mare just trots near hunter and said " just making some plants for later". hunter looked suspicious and pulled out his revolver and said "what plant?". the mare whisper "the one behind you".
hunter leg was grabbed by the vine as the mare vanished in a misted of purple. hunter fire the revolver into the plant that simply dug into hunter leg as it throws hunter into a tree. hunter hit the tree but, the tree fell down as he punched it as he dropping the gun. hunter get up as a fox like vine creature appeared as hunter said "why do i always end up fighting the weird ones". hunter grabbed the gun while jumping fired the gun but, the bullet missed the fox because the fox made a hole in it leg and grows it back. "what type of bullshitory is this?" hunter said as vine shoot out of the ground and hunter run at the fox thing. the vine didn't even move as the fox slowly moved to hunter. "stop" hunter said as it stopped then, hunter slowed down. "interesting in at lease understand..." be hunter finish talking the fox vanished with the vines as hunter just looked around confuddled. "...ok it gone i guess?" hunter said as he put the revolver away as a sound of glass breaking was near by
hunter followed the sound as he found polo on the ground and though ' why is there a castle here and you know what never mind about that'. hunter walked near polo and seen slight breathing and said "how are you still alive?". polo was unconscious with broken crystal mostly on his back as hunter said "guess i have no luck with you hu". hunter pick polo up and walked to a house he owned in everfree.
Topics: #loregang