Polo Fastter
by on January 31, 2021
(warning this story goes dark)
"polo you alright?" hunter said knocking on the door that was fixe one week after polo was thrown from a window. "just leave me alone..." polo said as he lay down on the couch not even moving to the door. "look if you don't let me in i can't help you out" hunter said as silence followed for about five minutes before the door unlocked as polo walked back to the couch. "it not that bad polo, look you have skill to be a hero, why don't you be one..." before hunter could finish speaking polo said "the only hero here are supported by royalty but, i always end up suffering for being a hero". polo get up then proceed to set a sword, gem mask, and a book on the table and said "throw this away on your way out and don't even bring those back in here again". hunter pick up the tuff and said "there more to this story polo now, let me why g your getting rid of your stuff". polo sighs and said "life happened ok" polo said turning away from hunter who just says "your wife would of wanted you to fight evil and keep going, not sit here and let evil win" hunter said bluntly as polo just put his head in the arm of the couch and screamed before turning around at hunter and said "why are you still here?". "because polo, my brother an asshole who just love to see you suffer and plus he owes me a house" hunter said as he leaves. "polo if you give up, no one will try to beat him, just remember that" hunter said as he closed the door while the item where still on the table.
"hunter we need to talk about the genie" crimson said holding a gem at hunter who tilted his head and said "was she purple by any chance?". crimson nod and said "look this is going to end bad either way so will you help me catch the genie with me?" hunter thinks before speaking "you know my price crimson, let go". crimson and hunter walked to ponyville knowing this was going to be the worst fight they have ever encountered.
Topics: #loregang
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Bright Brave
Love the new pic
Like January 31, 2021