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Lucky clover
by on March 7, 2021
1 day has pasted since they left equestria to explore the mythical skull island but one crew member is suspicious about filmer's truth about the island's origin
Clover : hey , yesterday night you would tell me everything about this place, so what's the hold up ?
Filmer : shush shush clover keep your voice down , I dont what the crew getting spooked
Clover : why would they get spooked ? What's it called
Filmer : look it has a local name but I'm warning you clover it doesn't sound so good , they call it ...... skull island
Clover : what's wrong with this place?
Filmer : there's nothing officially wrong with it because technically it hasn't been discovered yet
Then filmer sees a silhouette at the stairs and calls out to the pony but they he/she soon ran back up , filmer didn't really pay any mind to it since he thought it wouldn't the production. The next morning filmer started filming his first seen on the ship
Filmer : and action
Gal : this is so exciting I've never been on a ship before
Sun mane : I've never been on with a mare before
Gal : I guess you dont think much about mares do you ?
Sun : no their a nuisance
Gal : I'll try not to be a bother
Sun : just being around you is trouble
While filmer was shooting his scene he saw spike talking to hayes ( second command ) then hayes stares back at filmer .
Filmer : ok cut , great work
Sun : what you think clover , sunny's got some flare huh ?
Clover : I guess so but I took a look that the script and some of the things you said weren't in the script
Sun : I beefed up the banter
Clover : try to resist that impulse
Sun : it's just I bit of humour bud , dont be a wet blanket
Clover : actors ... they travel the world and the only thing they see is a mirror
Its noon and everyponies either showering or drinking but for star she's just finished her shower and was planing on going to her room when she bumped Into clover who also finished showering
Clover : cute legs
Gal : what ?
Clover : sea legs , it's when ponies move around like water since they've been out at sea for so long
Gal : oh , interesting
Clover : must be be pretty nice being an actress and all
Gal : oh I'm not an actress, I'm just somepony who took acting lessons before she became the princesses student
Clover : your princess twilight's student, wow
Gal : wow ?
Clover : as in it must be nice having a princess for a teacher, my teacher was my father
Gal : oh , you were home schooled ?
Clover : no I did go to school, my father just taught me survival skills and exploring
Gal : awww man its sounds more cooler then my teaching life
Colver : everypony has a different life life then others , doesn't mean its always better thou
Gal : if you want we can talk more in my room
Clover : I'd like that
Soon the two head for star's room and talked the hole night
Filmer : ok turn south west
Anchor hoof : there is no land south west for thousands of miles, takes us way out side the shipping lanes , I wont sail blind in these waters
Filmer I'll make it worth your wild
Anchor : there is nothing out there
Filmer : then you've got nothing to lose
End of chapter 5
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