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Lord Somber
by on August 22, 2021
"Arold!....Arold! ....Arold you shouldn't go against the Dark Leader!"
"Mhm...." A quick open of the eyes seemed to be the first action taken by the Nightmare Spirit. The Nightmare Spirit of Artemis himself. A spirit with power and control. A being of pure danger. One that would normally be doing his current night job. The job of dream jumping and eliminating terrible dreams from sleepers without any of them being the wiser. However....that's not what he was doing. That's not where he was going. He wasn't on his way to different dreams. No, for the reason of such a change? He wasn't sure of where he was at. Nothing was around him. Nothing. Darkness. No Light. No Sound. No Air. Darkness. Is he somewhere else you shouldn't be? No that wasn't it. He knows this place. At least...he believes he does. He's been here before. He thinks? Maybe. Everything seemed scrambled. His mind wasn't focused just yet. Or perhaps it wasn't with him. Or perhaps he was with his mind instead. Was he? Is that why this place seems familiar? Was this...his mind? This dark void?
"Arold! I beg your ears to turn towards me!"
That voice. He was hearing it again. A same voice that seemed to wake him. Wake him where he currently was. This voice was nothing more then a strangers voice. No...that's not it. He knows this voice. He...remembers this voice. No face or image. But the voice. The voice that sounded sweet as honey, soothing like warm blankets, but pleading with desperation. Pleading to an individual. No.....pleading to him....
"Arold you can't do this! Don't be consumed by your power and pride! Think of the others! Think of the herd! Your Father! Your Mother! Your Siblings! Your Wives! Your Sons! Daughters! Their Sons and Daughters! Their Sons' Sons and Daughters' Daughters! See reason in what you are about to do! Please listen to me! You picked me first because you trust me right?!"
What a voice. Pleading, almost begging for this Arold to listen to her. No....for...him to listen to her. Desperate to stop something from happening. Something from starting. A action that can't be taken back. A role that can't be changed. A voice pleads and cries out. Hoping for a different outcome to happen if only the one pleading towards will listen. Will he listen? Or was it too late. Why was this happening? This voice. One that's foreign, but oh so familiar....
"See what your pride has cost you, Arold."
Another voice. One with power and authority. Booming, but staying calm. As if nothing in the world could stumble it. What was this? Why was this voice talking now? Why was this voice sounding annoyed? Frustrated. Why....was Nightmare starting to feel anger. Hatred. Frustration....Sadness.
"Your ways have cost you everything. Your Wives. Your Sons. Your Daughters. Their Children. Your Family before yourself. Don't you see it now? You failed. You were always going to fail. The moment you decided to stand against me? You wrote their souls for the afterlife. Your obsession with Arcane has cost you their lives. You defied me simply to grow more power. To overthrow what stands before you. To take what you believe belonged to you. To rule because you found yourself deserving. You're nothing but a worthless pig. A useless dog that chases after goals he can't catch. You are too weak. You weren't strong enough to save them. You'll never be strong enough to save them. Gifted in Arcane you are. But gifts are wasted in those with no potential."
"You are alone now. Not one to turn to for guidance. I am one of forgiveness however. For my sins of eliminating your herd, I'll grant you a gift. That's right. A gift. One that shall surely keep you happy. Something you always wanted. You'll be the Master of Arcane you strived to be. The goal that caused you to endanger your very family. You'll be more then just a being. You'll be...a Spirit."
"I bestow this gift upon you, Arold! Your desires shall see their rewards! You will never age! You will never grow ill! You will never even be alive! For what is being alive if you can't lose it? Your life will always continue! In my Bloodline! The Bloodline of Lord Amaris! You'll be passed down! To my son! My Son's son! His Son! His son! And His son after! You'll serve this bloodline for all your never ending years! Face your actions and reap your rewards!!" *Shhh...*
"Gah!!!....heh...hah...hehheh...." Heavy breathing. Large pauses for gasps. Where was he now? The Library. The Library in the Castle. Surrounded by books and relics. Seems a spiritual sleep had overtook him during his late night studies. His late night readings. He looked around in slight panic. Empty. Library was empty. Of course it was. It was very late. Only him. Only him present in the library......Alone. "Arold....." was his only words to leave his mouth.
2 people like this.
Lord Somber
Psstt.Psstt...Delicious Nightmare Lore for side plot. Enjoy the meal.
Like August 22, 2021
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Lord Somber
Seems Nightmares had it rough. Or at least what he's beginning to remember. Also yes, I've read that story post. Delicious writing.
Like August 22, 2021
Obsilion and others
Thanks ^^
Like August 22, 2021
Queen Lesa
I should do something like this. Eh we'll see. ;3
Like August 22, 2021