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Stickman, The Normal Stickian
by on January 30, 2022
(Since it's the 10th anniversary of my series, let's start with the first adventure that started this all, coincidentally called The First Adventure. This will be the first of many special lore-related blogs that relate to the first original series. There will be special blogs relating to key moments in all 4 series that relate to the history of my series, as well as show off what makes my series so special. THIS way should help clear confusing things up. Think of it like an origin story that was in the making for a while... or more or less overdue. Enjoy! This one also explains how Jewel got her magic powers. -Stickman)
The day was like any other. Stickman and Jewel were flying high in the amazon jungle, having the time of their lives. Stickman was your typical Spix Macaw, although with a bit of a golden crest on his top. Jewel was a teal Spix Macaw. (Although if you watched Rio, you'd probably know that.) The two young siblings were flying in and out of the trees, through the waterfalls, anywhere and everywhere the amazon rainforest could take them. Eduardo was their father, a strict but caring father who cares deeply for his children. Flora was their mother, quite the bird she was. Every day was all the same, with Stickman and Jewel having free range of the forest, not having a care in the world. As they grew, they shared bonding sibling moments together, like Jewel standing up for Stickman in flight school when he was bullied cause he was "Not one of the flock", and "He would never make it in the skies." It was honestly a horrible time for Stickman in flight school, but Jewel was there to make it all better. They would also share the same classes, sit with each other at lunch, and even graduate together. There was nothing these two couldn't accomplish. However... the fateful day arrived when Stickman was drafted for the Maelstrom Wars... an event that would change Stickman's life forever, and essentially turn him from a nobody... into a somebody.
When Stickman arrived onto the battlefield from bootcamp (It took at least 3 months.), he was already leading the charge against the maelstrom-infected birds. The boot camp drill instructor liked Stickman's determination during bootcamp so much, that he requested Stickman be leading the charge, so... here he was. However... his arrogance would prove to be his undoing. Left and right Stickman's troops would falter on the battlefield, until their deaths fueled the Vortex looming above the battlefield. Once the maelstrom birds had enough carnage and fuel... it started sucking everything on the battlefield up, including resources from the same area. Stickman held on for dear life in the ground... but it was no use. The vortex sucked him in... and life faded from the bird's eyes. But in the darkness... there was a glimmer of hope.
"Stickman... Stickman... awaken... You are needed... the cartoon universe... needs you..." A mysterious voice said as Stickman awoke. It was a black and seemingly endless void. Stickman was in immense pain due to the vortex trying to pull him apart. He tried to move... but it was to no use. Everything was seemingly broken... yet he was not dead. How was this possible? Suddenly, a light came into view. "Ah, good. You are awake. You are needed, young one. Your bird form is broken... but perhaps a new form will suit you better. Mostly for combat." The light spoke. Stickman was confused. How could this light possibly know his name? How could it possibly know what he's been through? He's been through a lot! Seeing his own team mates fall at his side... being through bullying most of his life in flight school... it was madness! Though... something in him told him to listen. "Listen, young Stickman. There are other worlds out there. Other worlds in need of your help. You must form a army. An army made up of different heroes from different worlds." The light spoke again. A image of Jewel pops up. "This one... is your sister, is she not? I sense a hidden arcane knowledge inside her. You must recruit her to join your cause. There is a lot of evil out there in the Cartoon Universe... And you and your army must put it at bay. Aside from this one... who you recruit is up to you, young Stickman. Let me give you a gift." The light then produces a star-shaped object. "This is the eternal ink. This will help you fight, as well as survive. You must protect it with all your... uhh... life." The light then moves the object inside of Stickman. With an immense pain, Stickman yelled out into the void as he was twisted from inside out. His former form would be overtaken with ink, feathers becoming ink, wings becoming arms and hands, and talons becoming feet. His head would be circular, and he would grow a full head of golden hair, the front going upward. It glistened on the light. He would then be given a special hoodie, some pants fitting his ink skin, and some golden shoes. Stickman... was no longer a macaw. He was a Stickian! True to his name as well. "W... what did you do that for? That hurt like everything!" Stickman spoke with an anger in his tone. "It was to fit you with your next two gifts from me." The voice spoke as it produced two new gifts. A circular globe, and a sword shaped like a pencil. "The pencil sword will be your weapon. It is a blade made of imagination, sparked from warriors long past. You will use this sword to vanquish evil and protect those who cannot protect themselves. That is your mission, Stickman. The globe... you'll have to figure that out yourself." The light said. "But..." Stickman said. The light interrupted him. "You must go forth, Stickman... and save the Cartoon Universe! Millions of lives are now in your hands, Stickman. Save them." The light said as a portal opens, and Stickman gets sucked in.
CHAPTER 4: The first adventure begins
As he falls, he notices that the world he was falling towards was Rio De Janeiro. Stickman screamed as he fell towards the samba city. An impact was made in the forest. The whole city was shaken from the impact. Stickman gets up, surprised he even survived. It seemed the Eternal Ink helped him survive even the nastiest of falls... or impacts. Though testing this would have to come later as he heard some voices. He picks up the globe and sword and makes haste. Hiding in the jungle near the samba city, he makes a sheathe out of leaves and branches. As he hid in the forest, Stickman picks up the sword and looks at it. It was indeed the shape of a pencil, but had a hilt with a gem socket in it. "Interesting..." Stickman said. He then takes out the globe. It looked circular... and almost like a disco ball. He puts it away after hearing rustling in the bushes. Upon seeing two birds and three chicklets, he goes back into hiding. "Hello?" The female bird called out. "We don't want to harm you... we just want to see you!" The male bird turned to the female bird and gave her a glance. "I knew that it wasn't too good to be true, Jewel... We can't find that thing anywhere!" As soon as Stickman heard the name Jewel, he came out of hiding. Jewel then tackled Stickman. "I knew you were here! I'm going to turn you into the government and..." Jewel said, but got interrupted by Stickman trying to explain things. "I... am... your... brother... Gleck!" Jewel then tightened her talon grip further. "Lies! My brother got lost to the maelstrom void after being in that war he went to!" Jewel said with a more menacing tone. "B...but I can prove... that... I'm... him..." Just as the light was fading out from Stickman's eyes, Jewel then eased her grip off of Stickman's throat. "Alright then, prove to me. What was the name of our flight school?" Jewel asked with a still angry look. Stickman dusts himself off and then looks at the bird. "Amazonian flight school, first squadron. We were top of our class in the school. You used to protect me from bullies all the time, and they told me I would never be one of the flock... sis." As Stickman said this, Jewel looks at the Stickian with amazement. She then zooms over to and hugs Stickman. "It is you! Brother! It's... It's been so long!" Jewel said, almost crying. Stickman then looked confused. "Long? How long was I gone?" Jewel, still crying, looked up at Stickman. "About... 7 years, brother." At hearing this, Stickman then looked shocked. "It's... been 7 years?! What happened to you? What happened to everyone?" Jewel then let herself go from Stickman and landed on the ground. She then goes on to explain the events of the first Rio movie, how she met Blu, how she married him, and then goes on to explain the events of Rio 2, how their mother died due to the logging fire, how Jewel was reunited with her father Eduardo, etcetera. "Mother... died?" Stickman said sadly. "Yeah. We couldn't... escape with her. I... I'm sorry." Jewel said, looking upset upon giving Stickman the news. Stickman then hugs Jewel. "Hey. It's going to be fine. I'm here. Eduardo's still alive. Our family is still as strong as ever... even if one of us isn't with us." Stickman said, assuredly. "Never... ever leave me again, please... brother." Jewel said, still hugging Stickman. "I promise." Stickman said, glad that he was reunited with Jewel once more. The six then hear voices nearby. "C'mon, I know of a place you can go to to be safe." Jewel led Stickman and the others away from the area.
CHAPTER 5: Time to be a hero
The macaw family then led Stickman to their home. Once inside, Jewel then filled Stickman in of what's going on. Nigel and Gabi were still after them, getting revenge on them after what Blu did to Nigel, making him flightless. "So... a crazy cockatoo is still going after you all after all these years?" Stickman said, concerned. "Yeah. He wants to kill me!" Blu said, shaking a bit. "Well don't worry. I'll protect you." Stickman said as he took out the Pencil Sword. "What is that?" Jewel asked, confusingly. "This is the Pencil Sword. Apparently it was made for me to keep evil at bay. A voice told me that I was gonna protect the Cartoon Universe. And... it also gave me this globe." Stickman says as he takes out the globe. "It... looks like a ship to me." Bia said as she studied it. She then turns it over to see a button. She presses it... and nothing happens. "Hmm. Well... here's it back, Stickman." Bia said as she gave the globe back to Stickman, who put it in his pocket. "C'mon, let's get some sleep. We'll talk about what to do next in the morning." Everyone agrees, and off to sleep everyone went. In the morning, Jewel made Stickman some ink pancakes, sprinkled with some brazil nut seasoning, hoping he'd like it. "Here's something special for you, brother. I hope you like it." Jewel said as she put the pancake on a plate and slid it over to me. Stickman eats it, and instantly enjoys it. "Brazil nuts! My favorite!" Stickman said as he continues eating. "I knew you'd like it, brother." Jewel smiles as she enjoys her own brazil nut. "I'm going to go out and get some more brazil nuts, i'll be right back!" Jewel said as she flew out the window. A few seconds later, there was some yelling outside. Stickman, Blu, Bia, Tiago, and Carla go outside and notice Jewel being dragged away. "Sister! No!" Stickman said as he leapt out from the doorway. He turns to the family. "Stay right here, I'll go get her! I'm not losing her again!" Stickman said. Blu nodded, and Stickman rushed off. As Stickman neared Jewel's cries, it was apparent that some maelstrom was around the area. Stickman then noticed Jewel in a maelstrom cage being drug away by some Stromling parrots. Riding one of them was Nigel. "No! Sister! I got you!" Stickman said as he rushes toward the cage. Nigel notices and turns around. "My oh my, it seems that we got a uninvited guest. Get rid of him!" Nigel said as some stromling parrots go down and charge at Stickman. As Stickman tries to swat away the stromling parrots, a voice calls out to Stickman. "Use the sword..." As if on cue, Stickman takes out the Pencil Sword and uses it on the stromling parrots, dispatching them pretty quickly. He then looks at the sword and then smugly looks at the parrot Nigel was riding on. "Blasted... Don't just fly there, get him!" Nigel says as more stromling parrots swarm Stickman. Using the sword, He continues to dispatch parrot after parrot, noticing that they were turning back to normal, and they fly off. "Wretched minions!" Nigel says as he continues to fly off away from Stickman. Jewel, still afraid in her cage, looks at me worryingly. She then tries to focus. All of a sudden... something awakens inside her and her wings light ablaze. "Huh?" Jewel looked at her wings confusingly before staring in horror at her on-fire wings... which were surprisingly not burning her. She then melts away the bars of the maelstrom cage using her fire wings. "Wow!" She then flies out and groups up with me. We then look at Nigel who then looks worryingly at us. "Oh no... I'd better make my escape!" Nigel says as he uses the parrot to fly far and fast. Jewel then forms a fireball in her wing and, while flying, flings it at the parrot, which gets defeated and turns back to normal... albeit with some burns. Nigel then lands on the ground, and looks up at us, scared. "Y... you may have won now... but I'll be back! You haven't seen the last of me!" Another stromling parrot comes down and grabs Nigel, and they fly off. Satisfied with their work, they head back to the house.
EPILOGUE: Onward to the great beyond!
Stickman and Jewel then meet up with the others. "Well... I rescued Jewel. Nigel really seems to want to kill you guys... it looks like." Stickman said. "I told you!" Jewel said. Stickman then looked at the sky. "The voice... told me that there were other worlds out there that needed our help... Sis... I know it's too much to ask now that you have a family, but... can you help me protect other worlds from evil?" Stickman asked. "After being 7 years apart from you? There's no way I'm not missing out on one more adventure with you, brother. Besides, my husband can watch the kids while I'm out and about. They'll be fine." Jewel said. "But... how do you propose we get to the other worlds?" Stickman then takes out the globe and turns it over, looking at the button. "Your daughter Bia said that this was a ship... do you think..." Stickman said. He then pressed the button, and the globe alighted. It then shot into the sky... leaving behind a tiny circular platform, which started to build itself into a bigger platform. In the sky, a tiny light sparked, and the teleporter activated. "I... think we're meant to step on it." Stickman said, and he did just that, with Jewel following suit. With a flash, they were teleported into a big circular ship... with one platform it seemed. There were chairs and computers all around the platform, with a chair facing toward the front of the ship. It appeared they were out in space! "Amazing! This was that tiny globe?" Stickman said in amazement. "Apparently so... and look!" Jewel said, pointing at a nearby dispensary. Out popped cubes... and two badges. The badges were golden... but blank. "Sis... I think that we're meant to take these badges!" Stickman said as he grabbed the two badges, tossing one to Jewel. "Well... this ship is full of surprises." Jewel said as she put away the badge. "Indeed. However, if we're going to recruit others to our cause... what should we call our team?" Stickman and Jewel thought about it for a moment. "How about... United Stickman Force?" Stickman said. "That's perfect! It'll be a symbol of hope, of unity, and of protection... aside from your name in it, brother." Jewel said, jokingly. I then grab the cubes and head over to the chairs. "I think... these are our chairs, sis." Stickman said as he sat in one chair. A control panel popped up. The destination was Equestria. "Equestria?" Stickman said. Jewel looked more puzzled, but was eager to see where this thing went. "Well... I guess only one thing to do now... Onward... to adventure!" Stickman said as he pressed the big red blinking button and thrusted the throttle forward. With the ship powering up, it warped the two off into the Cartoon Universe... ready to brave whatever came their way.
Post in: Lore
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Stickman, The Normal Stickian
Hoo baby! This one was quite a while to type, but I think it turned out well. Let me know what you think, and the next one to come will be how Skystar joined the USF, 2,000 Leagues under the Seaquestria! Hope you enjoyed this one, and what I can improve on for the next one!
Like January 30, 2022
Stickman, The Normal Stickian
Juuust gonna bump up my titular guy's backstory and first adventure (get it?) For ya guys to read.
Like September 22, 2022