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Angel of the Dark 🌑

Female. Lives in  Canterlot,  Equestria. 22 years old
Roleplay Availability
About Me
God Hunter
Camille is recognized as 18 for this profile. This profile is not in time with Rosa's.
Roleplay Universe
Roleplay Type
Narrative Multi-Paragraph
User Achievements
The Castle
172 Members
Camille ran up a log that had been propped up against a wall. Her momentum and a flap of her wing carried her as she transfered to the wall. Running a long it before hopping off and landing with a dis... View More
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Nitroxus Soulspins
//Question. May I reply on this post?
Like March 22, 2025
Like March 22, 2025
Nitroxus Soulspins
//Thank you. I will now make a full comment below this reply now.
Like March 22, 2025
Nitroxus Soulspins
*The ground would shake and rumble. It was like an earthquake, that was entirely localized in this local area. The soft murmurs of laughter and giggles could be heard. The sudden shock of the drilling and digging sounds would be loud and enagaging. The digging was slowly visible and moving toward th... View More
Like March 22, 2025
Camille took notice to the rumbling quickly, and instantly jumped to Crystal's side. Her wing extended out, wrapping about the filly to protect her as she watched on. Her brow furrowed as she prepared for whatever was to show. Upon hearing it, her eyes both faded to a deep red. "Who goes there?"
Like March 22, 2025
Nitroxus Soulspins
*Nitroxus would spin out of the ground and slid into a bow right before them. He looked back up with them with a gleeful smile.* Finally, I found somepony that was nearby! *Standing, Nitroxus would reach under his jacket and pull out a small red stone that had a blue glowing aura.* I was lost with ... View More
Like March 23, 2025
Bright Brave
*BriBra replied to the post*
Like March 22, 2025
*BriBra got gmodded into the ground*
Like March 22, 2025
The strumming of rainfall surrounded Camille, leaving her standing with just her cloak as protection from the elements. Her eyes were trained on the four stallions in front of her. The binds that they... View More
//Disclaimer, this is not an RP, it is a story. You aren't expected to react in character// Camille was really un-fucking happy. She'd warned the inevitability of the fight ahead. She's tried to make... View More
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The Ling woken up, Staring at his Stomach and began to wonder... If that was a Dream ?, It had to be! Since He would never steal anything before! but It felt too real... Perhaps It was luck that He didn't fought her in the forest.
Like July 17, 2024
Gonna add a small disclaimer for Camille. The version you see of her in The Castle is not the same here! This one is young, learning, and a follower of Luna. The Castle's Camille is seasoned, a tad ol... View More
"The ashes have already been painted. The fires are kindled. Thus may the hunt begin." ~The Oracle Camille had been strapped to a chair, her head covered in a bag that made either very difficult to b... View More
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Red. How does one know when they had finally lost everything they stood for? When the only color in their mind is red. Strength and anger. The opposite of blue, calm and tactfulness. Camille's life ha... View More
//Depictions of anxiety//
Ebb and Flow
"Of all the worst places to be." Camille let out a groan as she pulled another branch from her mane and tossed it aside. Another contract landed her in the Swa... View More
//Just a small thing before work. A bit of a fresh approach to Camille. This'll be anthro// Creeping vines and ashened veils to hide faults. Whispering deaths and sorrowed rays of light filtering thr... View More
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That adrenaline rush when weapons fly It's the fear that brings out that body high So you know that I'm stuck Here paralyzed with you In a midnight clash of circumstance... View More
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