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Stickman, The Normal Stickian
by on February 4, 2022
(Alright let's get this one outta the way. Those who have roleplayed with me may have noticed a... different form of mine. That being the Unleashed Form. And you guys may have wondered where and how it came to be. Look no further than a episode I have never done a typed story on, neither have I published it to the wiki of mine, named The Posessed Stick. As for when this takes place in the timeline of mine? Let's say... a few episodes after Stickman and the Paw Patrol (Debut of Skye) (dont judge me...)... and a couple of episodes before the big first Operation: Final Battle. Enjoy!)
The alarms blared in the Stickman HQ. It seems that there was a maelstrom incident in Equestria. "Seems like the Darkitect reared his ugly head." Skystar said. "Yeah. But not for long." Stickman looks on in confidence. They teleport to Equestria. Once there, the four look on and see a tower in the distance. There were dark clouds swirling around it, making Equestria look dark. It appears that that was where the Darkitect lie. Stickman hopped on Skystar, and off they went to face off against the Darkitect. As they made their way to the tower, Maelstromic fireballs fell from the dark sky. Stickman, Jewel, Skye, and Skystar all dodged them as they made their way to the tower. "It appears that he doesn't want us to get close, Stickman!" Jewel said. "Then we're gonna have to force our way in." Stickman said as he stood up and took out his sword. With swings full of heroism or something, Stickman sliced every maelstromic fireball out of their path. "Out of our way!" Stickman said. Jewel also contributed and threw some fireballs of her own at the maelstromic fireballs. It worked! However, right as they were nearing the tower, a maelstrom dragon knocked Stickman off of Skystar and to the tower, while the others got knocked back down to Equestria. "Brotherrrrr!!!!" Jewel yelled as she fell. "Sis! No!" Stickman said as he reached out. He clenched his fist and fell in style toward the tower. "Looks like it's up to me." Stickman said. He noticed an opening and went for it, diving in.
CHAPTER 2: DARKENED SKIES (Jewel, Skye, and Skystar's perspective)
Luckily for the trio, they landed in a forest, cushioned by the forest's trees. Coincidentally, they also landed near Zecora's hut. "Do my eyes deceive me? It appears that you landed here, you three." Zecora said as she approached the three. "Yeah... we got separated from Stickman." Skye said as she rubbed her head. "Follow me, you three, for you shall see what is becoming to thee." Zecora said as she led them into her hut. "That tower appeared in the sky, the magic in it is making it fly." Zecora said as she poured some potions into her cauldron. "We know this." Jewel said. "However, it will not be easy to get to the top, you see, for you three must be with Stickman, you see. He needs your help, and only you three can help him." Zecora said. "We also know this, Zecora. Can you tell us something we don't know?" Skystar said. "Dark times are ahead for our fellow hero... for a dark magic will turn him from a hero... into a zero!" Zecora said. The three gasped. "How do we get to him?" Jewel said, now panicked. "There is an opening in the side of the tower. You must go there and never cower!" Zecora said as she revealed the location on the tower. "Thanks, Zecora!" Jewel said as they headed out.
CHAPTER 3: DARKENED SKIES (Stickman's perspective)
Stickman ducked in cover of the opening of the tower. He looked inside it, and noticed a maelstrom beam of energy flowing upwards. He also noticed that there was a lot of stromlings flying around the tower. "Seems like i'm in over my head..." Stickman said. He looked downwards, and noticed that the tower did indeed have a bottom, but a lot of the forces of the Maelstrom were down there too. "Jeez... And here I thought this was going to be a challenge." Stickman jumped in and landed out of sight of the thousands of maelstrom enemies. He noticed that the Darkitect was there too... or at least a hologram projection of him. "Now is the time of conquest, my stromlings... today... we conquer this pathetic excuse for a land of friendship... then tomorrow... the universe!" The hologram of The Darkitect bellowed. This was bad. Very bad. Stickman knew the ponies and creatures down there in Equestria... They weren't no match for The Darkitect's forces! He had to do something. And fast. He went out of hiding and started slicing and dicing the stromlings. The Darkitect took notice and smiled. "Well well. It appears that a hero is trying to stop me." The darkitect immobilized Stickman in a maelstrom bubble. "You want to stop me so badly? Fine. Come up here and try." The Darkitect said as he lifted the bubble up through the tower.
Jewel, Skye, and Skystar make it into the tower just in time to see Stickman being lifted upwards. The three go after him. They all meet up atop the maelstrom tower. "So. Your little brother here thought he could come in and defeat me. Just like that, hmm?" The Darkitect said as he held the bubble in front of the three. "Let him go!" Jewel said, having a fireball in her wing. "Oh i'll do more than just that. This would be a fine specimen for my army..." The Darkitect said as he started infusing Maelstrom into Stickman. Stickman screams out in pain as he does so. "Become... My agent of darkness!" The Darkitect said as he continues to infuse maelstrom into him. After he was done, he dissipates the bubble, and Stickman was flowing with maelstrom energy. Stickman's hair was a glowing purple, as well as his ink skin. His shoes burst out and became claws, as well as his hands. His shades were nowhere to be seen, only to be replaced with yellow glowing eyes. The Darkitect pointed his staff at the three and said one word. "Kill." The darkitect then opened a portal and stepped through it. Upon command, Stickman then ran full speed at the three, aimed to kill. Jewel dodged a swipe at her from Stickman. Skystar, using her Keyblade, launched some water balls at Stickman, to which they hurt him. He turned his attention toward Skystar, and lunged at her. Stickman swiped at her over and over again, screeching and ungodly screech while doing so. "Brother! Stop it! That's your friend, Skystar!" Jewel said. Skystar was doing fine, holding her own against the swipes, though. Skystar then countered and blasted the maelstrom-filled Stickman back. Stickman then skidded and then went toward Skye, who activated her pup pack's jetpack and flew. "It's no use! We can't subdue him!" Skystar said. Jewel then got an idea. "Get him into a bubble, Skystar, I think we can try and at least get him to remember us!" Jewel said. Skystar then used her keyblade to launch a bubble at Stickman. He popped it with his claw. Skystar then readied herself and launched a torrent of bubbles at Stickman, to which he popped all that came his way. He let his guard down for a minute though and got trapped in one. "Gotcha!" Skystar said, triumphantly. Jewel then flew over to the bubble. "Brother... Remember... It's... me, your sister..." Jewel said as she rested her head gently on the bubble. "Remember... our family... your father Eduardo... your brother-in-law Blu... even your friends... remember them, please!" Jewel said as she cried. Stickman then stopped clawing at the inside of the bubble and looked at Jewel. He kneeled down. "J...ewel?" Stickman said, even in his possessed state. Jewel looked up happily, still crying. "Stickman! You remember!" Jewel said. "I... remember... The darkitect... filling me with Maelstrom..." Stickman said. "And then... it was all blank..." Stickman looked at his new claws and state in the reflection of the bubble. "He... he turned me into a monster!" Stickman said as he fell back, shocked from the realization. He then got up and dusted himself off. He then retracted his claws. "I... i'm sorry, sister. I didn't mean to do any of this." Stickman said as he went out of the bubble, which Skystar lowered to the ground. "It's fine. I knew you weren't you." Jewel said as she rested her head against Stickman's chest. Stickman then started to glow, and the maelstrom went inside of him. He then turned back to normal. "I think... the maelstrom's a part of me now, sis." Stickman said as he clenched his hands. "This could be a good thing, Stickman. You could probably use that form for dishing out the heavy blows." Jewel said as she let go of Stickman. "First, I'll need to figure out how to channel it before I can use it properly." Stickman said as he chuckled. The maelstrom tower then started shaking, and a vortex opened up above them. The tower went toward the vortex. "We need to get out of here!" Stickman said as he ran toward the edge. Jewel, Skye, and Skystar followed suit. All of us then leapt off of the tower. Jewel, Skye, and Skystar could fly, but not Stickman. He plummeted straight toward the ground. "Help meeee!!!" Stickman said as he fell. Skystar zoomed down and raced to get Stickman. Stickman landed onto Skystar, and they flew off while the Maelstrom Tower went into the vortex.
Stickman and his friends then land near Canterlot. Ponies from all around Canterlot gathered around the four. "We got a huge problem. If The Darkitect is trying to take over worlds... we could be in serious trouble." Stickman said. "No kidding. I can't have my mother's kingdom be taken over!" Skystar said, panicked. "Well don't worry. We'll stop the Darkitect soon enough. For now, we gotta get back to the HQ and recruit more heroes." Stickman said. The three agreed with Stickman, and went back to the HQ. Stickman got into his pilot seat and activated the warp tunnel. "We're going to take you down soon enough, Darkitect." Stickman said as the throttle appeared on a panel next to him. He pushed it forward, and the HQ warped into the great unknown.
Post in: Lore
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Stickman, The Normal Stickian
There we go. NOW it's finished! Enjoy, everyone! Next up will be The Planet that was Long Forgotten, which will take place a while after the first Operation: Final Battle, which I will be doing later.
Like February 4, 2022
Stickman, The Normal Stickian
Wow. Seems like this one's my most popular story.
Like February 12, 2022
Stickman, The Normal Stickian
It's STILL my most popular story, jesus christe, 100 VIEWS
Like October 23, 2022
Stickman, The Normal Stickian
Hmm... everything seems okie dokie here...
Like March 31, 2023
Stickman, The Normal Stickian
Guess I'll get the big sleep and hopefully nothing will happen to my stories! *Sleeps with one eye open*
Like March 31, 2023