Void demon
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Just a simple demon that is living among equestria... that's complicated
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Mlp fan Canon and show canon
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Does anyone remember Charlie?
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How was Fallout Equestria allowed on Equestria Daily if there’s no gory, violent stories allowed to be submitted on there?
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//Makes sense, WandererD is both one of the founders of fimfiction and also part of the staff (or was, I haven't been over there in a few years).
Good ol' D is a nice person. I doubt he remembers about me. I don't even use the same screen name as I did back in the golden summer of 2011
September 18, 2024
I mean in a conversation I last had with him, he certainly didn’t remember me, I am a veteran of the fandom. He was kind of rude, however I didn’t take mind since I treat others the same who come across as scammers
September 18, 2024
//Eh, I guess the whole being a father thing has got him into becomming a grouch. Honestly, it's been years since the last time I even commented on his stuff, so I haven't had any kind of interactions with him since 2012 or something.
I also remember he took some really toxic political view and I pr... View More
September 18, 2024
Does anyone know how to use fanfiction
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Will it get me an audience? Cause I want people to enjoy the story I worked hard on
September 18, 2024
Fan-Fiction, is a twice a day drug that is designed to change your life. Please take each dose with water. Please don't consume alcohol or operate heavy machinery. Also please don't navigate personal life goals or communicate with loved ones while taking Fan-Fiction.
Side-Effects can include; nausea... View More
September 18, 2024
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For those of who I worked with in the past, if you are still here. I am deeply sorry for my actions and how my personality is, I’m not in a good place and haven’t been for a long time, where I live. I... View More
Man… this will never not make me cry everytime I watch it. https://youtu.be/ImsTS1Kb9ww?feature=shared
The Magic of Friendship Grows (Song) - MLP: Friendship Is Magic [Season 9]
MLP: Friendship Is Magic
Season 9 Episode 26 "The Last Problem"
Watch in 1080p!
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Discord is very fun https://youtu.be/jhdSPGdUgk8?si=CaJWYJWBKZong_9w
Lagtrain but on Discord with ASCII
Fully made in Python using OpenCV, PIL, and discord.py.
ASCII character sets used (from most intensive to least intensive):
#1: ["■", "█", "▓", "▒", &q
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Void demon