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Obsilion and others
by on March 6, 2022
Sylvia gasps as she wakes up and quickly sits up.
Its dark. Very dark. There is no light whatsoever, yet she can see as if there is a dim light, but there is nothing to see. This is a dark void with nothing, yet she can see. She knows she shouldn't be able to see. There is no light. Just a black space. Yet, she can see.
"What is this place?...." she asks herself as she looks around....As if there is anything to look at. Why would she have to look around if there is nothing in this void?
"It looks like we're in some sort of mind scape...Or maybe a resting place." A voice spoke behind her. The voice sounded exactly like Sylvia, except it was cold, dark, and dead. It sounded like Sylvia, if she was to be exactly what her father used to be.
Sylvia looks behind herself to see...well..her, but if she was exactly what her father used to be. Cold and dead. "Oh...Hey chiller." And she even gave her a name.
Chiller nods and helps her up. "Well..You and I are here...We're still missing one. Where is-"
Chiller is cut off by the mad cackling of the mentally unstable, if the mentally unstable was Sylvia. "Finally found you two~~ Where have yall been?~~" says another voice sounding exactly like Sylvia, if Sylvia was a psycho.
"....Demon...." Chiller finishes her sentence as both her and Sylvia look over to Demon.
Exactly as described, Demon looked exactly like Sylvia...if she was a psychopath. Especially with that demonic grin and that psychotic look in her eyes. "Its good to see you two~~ Now where are we?~"
Sylvia shrugs. "I dont know....."
"Do you feel that? Someone is coming." Chiller says as she stands next to Sylvia.
Demon grins a happy and oddly disturbing grin. "A new toy? How...delightful ~~" she then turns around to see who the newcomer is.
A yellow unicorn mare of average height with green hair and green eyes would laugh nervously. "No no. Not a toy. Just a messenger I guess you can say. I'm just here to congratulate your original in her accomplishment."
"Accomplishment??" All three say in unison and in confusion.
The mare nods. " see..Its a strange thing that happens every now and then. A creature with huge arcane potential taps into their potential and unlocks a higher form of power..Many have done it..I was the last one who did it. And now, you have done it." She smiles and points to Sylvia. "I have come to congratulate you. As the past arcane royal, I have come to welcome the new arcane royal. The new Arcane Princess."
Demon and Chiller would look at Sylvia. Sylvia was a bit taken aback. "Wait..No wait, you got it all wrong. I'm not a princess. " Sylvia tells her
"Well you are now. It's not so bad. You'll love it! Just dont lose your way like I did." The mare says to her with a smile.
"I-I'm sorry. What do you mean by "Arcane royal"???" Sylvia asks.
"Oh! Well you see...It was a thing amongst certain arcane users and certain scholars that these creatures would be come the royals of the arcane arts. Creatures that unlock a higher power within their potential earns the title of an "Arcane Royal". Its really just an acknowledgment title. That's all. You get know special treatment. It's just an acknowledgment of power." The mare tells her.
"I....I see....So...What happened?" Sylvia asks the mare.
The mare smiles happily. "Why dont you see for yourself?~ Its time for me to go. So...Goodbye~" the mare waves as she slowly disappears.
".....She was....Interesting.." Chiller would say.
"I agree..Welp, so long! If I'm not getting any play time then I'm out of here! Time to wake up sweetheart!" Demon grins
"...I agree sadly...Time for you wo wake up Sylvia...Its time for US to wake up." Chiller says.
"Wait..I dont understand....What's going on??" Sylvia was starting to get worried.
Both Chiller and Demon would just stare at her.
"WAKE. UP." they both say in unison.
"Wake up. Wake up...Sylvia please..Wake up!...Oh crap. Oh crap...I cant believe I let her do this. I should've put my hoof down! I should've said no!...Oh man..This isnt good..I cant get a reading on her vitals. My sensors are going haywire...Why do you look like this?!....Sylvia....This is my fault...Please...Wake up." Cobra was driving himself rampant as he worried over the unconscious and floating Sylvia.
Sylvia groans a bit as she wakes up and blinks a few times, floating up and standing bipedal. "What happened?....." she asks Cobra.
Cobra goes wide then hugs her tight. "You're ok! You cant scare me like that! What would happen if we lost you? If I lost you!...."
Sylvia blinks then smiles a little. "....Im... sorry...You're right...I should've taken it easy...I promise to listen next time.." she hugs back, but froze as she immediately noticed her human like claws and the purple aura around her arms. "....Uuhh..." she takes a step back
Cobra blinks then looks at her. "O-Oh...Yeah...Umm..You look...Good?...You're going to need a mirror.." he says as he chuckles a bit sheepishly.
Sylvia snaps, a body mirror appearing in front of her after she does so. Upon looking at herself in the mirror, she froze and went wide eyed. A purple aura covered her entire body. She now had a crown, a pair of wings, and a horn made completely of purple arcane runes. Her right eye had turned to her eye of Destruction and her left eye was glowing slightly with her pupil now being slitted. She has human like claws and is now wearing some rather elegant combat robes. Her body also seemed to go up in age by 5 years, causing her features to be more defined and her hair and tail to become a bit longer.
"....Sylvia...What happened?..." Cobra would ask her after a moment of silence.
Sylvia would stay quiet for another moment before finally answering. ".......Im... Not too sure.......I think....I think it worked..but not in the way I thought.......I think...I think I'm an Arcane Princess??"
"A what??" Cobra asks in confusion.
"Nothing..I dont know what this is...I just..had a strange dream or something..." Sylvia responds as she waves her hand and makes the mirror disappear.
Cobra sighs. "...We'll figure this out..Let's just...Just take a break..Later you can fix this place, then we leave...Ok?"
Sylvia takes a breath and nods. "...Yeah....Ok."
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Knight lands harshly into the ground nearby, he can sense a new power, it feels familiar yet different, but it he knows Sylvia was here before it showed up and now she is gone, he flaps his wings hard to blow away all the dust and he sees her, his eyes widen as he recognizes her but just barely. He... View More
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Obsilion and others
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Obsilion and others
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