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Stickman, The Normal Stickian
by on October 21, 2022
(Welcome to For My Brothers, an episode themed after Veilbreaker, an update where a badass grineer clone gets a starring role. In this episode, it's gonna be a bit special. We're gonna have 2 different paths that combine into one for one epic finale. I will specify which chapter has which path. The overall plot? Kahl-175 has broken free from his veil from Sentient Reign. He sets out to find his grineer brothers and eventually meets up with Stickman and his friends in their Warframes. They team up and eventually learn of something horrifying that could change the Cartoon Universe... Enjoy! This took a bit to really complete! Lol)
Chapter 1: For my Brothers (Kahl's Side)
The episode opens to a murex in orbit of Equestria. Deep within it, a grineer grunt takes off his veil. It was none other than Kahl-175, a Grineer who fought valliantly during Sentient Reign. Kahl then heads off after hearing a roar. He fights sentients as he makes his way through the Murex. "Must find brothers." Kahl says. He tosses grenades after grenades at sentients as he makes his way through the Murex. After getting to a clearing devoid of Sentients, he starts setting up a distress signal. "Kahl. Find Help." The signal was sent.
Chapter 2: For my Brothers (USF Side)
In the HQ, Stickman and his friends were making their way to the seemingly abandoned Murex. "I haven't seen one of these in a while... Wonder why Daughter sent us out here." Jewel said. "Because she said that there was someone in there that knew of Narmer's leader. Apparently they haven't given up since we fought them during that war." Stickman answered. They brought it in for an approach. "I'm going in." Stickman said. Jewel pressed some buttons. "We'll keep an eye out. Call us when you're ready, brother. Be careful." Jewel said. Stickman got up from his seat, summoned his Lavos, and transferred into it. Out he went to the murex. "Can you hear me well?" Daughter said as she tried out her communications. "Loud and clear, Daughter." Stickman said. "The signal is coming from in here. See if you can boost it's signal so we can get a lock." Daughter said. Stickman then made his way through the Murex to head to a good place to boost the signal to triangulate it. "This seems like a good spot. Setting up link now." Stickman said. He sets down a signal and activates it. "Aaand... got it. You're good to go. Head out." Daughter said. Stickman nodded and heads out. He then gets stopped on his way out by sentients. "Welp... crap." Stickman said as he readied his Lavos's Cedo and Vastilok.
Chapter 3: The Assault (Kahl's Side)
Kahl gets the signal from Stickman, and Daughter is patched through. "A... A vat rat?! Oh great... Another thing I needed today..." Daughter said. "Kahl not vat rat. Kahl... needs to find brothers." Kahl said. "Well... I'll have you meet up with someone that might help you. Giving you his coordinates now." Daughter said. Kahl went on his way to find the person. Along the way, he fought a lot of sentients and freed his fellow grineer and... corpus for some reason. Once he was done with that, he was closing in on the coordinates.
Chapter 4: The Assault (USF and Both sides)
Stickman and his friends (he called for backup off screen) cut through a lot of the sentients. "The... thing coming towards you is almost there, Stickman." Daughter said. "Right." Stickman said, a bit confused why she said thing. Once in a corridor, he heard some metallic sounds coming his way. He readied his Cedo and aimed. Kahl then comes around the corner. He sees Stickman's Cedo and puts his hands up. "Kahl not enemy! Kahl not enemy!" Kahl said, pleading. Stickman lowered his Cedo. "This the one you wanted me to meet, Daughter?" Stickman asked. "Yes. The... vat rat." Daughter said. Stickman put his Cedo away. "Well met... Kahl." Stickman said as he held out his hand. Kahl grabbed it and gave Stickman a firm handshake. "Let's get out of here." Stickman said. "Kahl find brothers." Kahl said. Stickman thought for a minute, then nodded. "I know how much family means, Kahl. Let's go find them." Stickman said, reassuring Kahl. He nods, and the two parties head off.
Chapter 5: The Escape
Stickman, Kahl, and Kahl's group make their way through the Murex, freeing Kahl's "Brothers" as he calls them, with Daughter guiding them both. They were doing pretty well at it too. Once no more "brothers" could be discovered, Stickman signaled for the HQ, which was outside the murex, but cloaked. "Stickman HQ, open bridgeway inside." Stickman said. The two parties then ran towards the exit of the Murex, slaughtering any Sentient that came their way. "Almost there!" Stickman said. Once they reached the exit, Stickman then got his Archwing activated, and everyone headed into the HQ. As the HQ started to head off, a tall figure with a goat head walked toward the edge. It looked on with malice.
Epilogue: The Veilbreaker
Once aboard the HQ, Stickman set up a room for Kahl and his brothers to stay in, almost like as if part of the USF itself. "You will stay here, Kahl. You and your brothers. If you need anything... let me know. Narmer must fall." Stickman said. "Agreed, Stickman. We break Narmer. Together. Today, you help Kahl. Not Queens. Not Vay Hek. Stickman and friends help Kahl. Kahl thanks you. Will be great asset to force." Kahl said. Stickman smiled. "I'm sure you will, Kahl. Get ready, cause our fight's only just begun... Veilbreaker." Stickman said. He teleported out.
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Stickman, The Normal Stickian
And here we finally have it, Kahl's intro to the USF. Enjoy, Canterlot Avenue! This one took a while to complete.
Like October 21, 2022
Stickman, The Normal Stickian
REALLY do love making these. It's like a long-telling but in either a short story or an actual long story, like Dead Pirates Tell No Tales. Do not worry, i'll keep making these after the 10th anniversary ends! Only they'll be without the 10th Anniversary thing in the title lol.
Like October 21, 2022