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Queen Lesa
by on October 27, 2022
Tick tock goes the clock... The clock was ticking constantly... always ticking until it wasn't. There was a plan in place, but just like any other plan it needed a contingency plan and what was that plan? Preparing The Queen for full reign over the Kingdom not only that but Equestria itself!! No pressure right? *Nervous laughter* It was no easy task that's for sure... the thought of doing it without her husband kinda threw The Queen off... he had more experience than she did. Sure she did manage to run the Kingdom whenever her husband went away... but the possibility of him going away for good? Let's just say it was a difficult thought and process for her.
The Castle staff hadn't seen her for most of the day nor the afternoon. In fact nightfall had fallen and there was still no signs of her... where was she? Was she making a deal with the devil? Did she get kidnapped?! No... she knew how to handle herself she was part of the Lunar guard family so she knew how to handle herself plus she had Hope. So where the hell was she? The answer was simple Canterlot's park at the dead of night.
She had a lot on her mind... funny a few years back she met her husband in this very park at this time of night, but why did she come here alone? Especially this late at night. Wouldn't be the first time she stayed up late, but normally she stayed up late in the Castle. It was quiet... too quiet until it wasn't. The Queen let out a soft sigh before looking down at a case... an instrument case at that. Opening it up revealed a violin... it looked like any other violin to the untrained eye but this violin was no original violin it was crafted with the finest wood... and the finest string and it had engravings on it. This violin was a gift she received from her husband a long time ago.
Whenever the Queen had a lot on her mind? She always found that music helped, but it had to be very specific! Taking a deep breath before picking up the violin carefully taking it out of its case standing up on her back legs spreading out her pegasus wings the moonlight shining down on her she closed her eyes and by using the bow she started to play the musical instrument... the beautiful sound echoing through the empty park.
Post in: Lore