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Lord Somber
by on January 5, 2024
"Mother? What would you describe to be a good decision vs a bad decision?"
"A good decision compared to a bad decision? Artemis, what has you asking such cryptic questions at the moment? Is something troubling you? Solaris and you have just got back from your Etiquettes Training, yes? You should spend the rest of your day resting. A tired Prince makes a poor Prince After all. Has something happened?"
"Brother and I were trotting back to the Castle, whereas on the way, we stumbled upon a Noble colt getting bullied by what appeared to be his classmates who were also from Noble families given the school uniforms. He was being teased and pushed around as they taunted him in a circle. I simply observed, finding it soon to be none of my concern as I have no relation to those ponies. Brother, however, took action, stepping in front of the colt and backing off the others that were bullying him. They mocked brother harshly, speaking poorly of our royal family and showing disgust of Father being a King. Brother ignored their tirade, soon bringing the colt to safety before soon returning to me so that we get home on time. As soon as we got back, Solaris had discussed with Father of what happened, explaining his acts of heroism and bravery. Father, though, seemed rather unpleased, scolding Solaris for doing a selfish act. He spoke that Solaris was thinking of himself in the moment, wanting to be a hero in a business that never included him in the first place. And now, for his actions, Father will be hearing complaints from the Colts' Noble Parents, giving Father more to deal with then needs to be. He exclaimed that Solaris wasn't thinking of the Kingdom, but instead of micro acts towards seconds of fame. A bad decision. Was it a bad decision?"
"............" "............" "..........." "What do you think of your Brother's decision, Artemis?"
"I believe the decision he made was one of poor choice. I believe that the right decision would be to have just trotted away. A situation that doesn't concern you should never have you getting involved. It saves you from being targeted as well as held responsible for any action. The right decision would be to have trotted away."
"I see. And yet I suspect that in the moment of witnessing such an action? I take it Solaris saw his decision as the right decision. For what he saw was a innocent bystander that needed help. Nothing more, nothing less."
"Soooooo.....Solaris made the right decision?"
"Did he?"
"No....wait.....He made the wrong decision?"
"Is that so?"
"! What would have been the right decision?"
"B-Both? is that? There is no wrong decision?"
"There is no wrong decision, my precious son. But also, there is no right decision. Instead? There was simply a decision. Solaris decided action, whereas you would've decided against it. Both decisions are polar opposite, yet carry a very common similarity. You both believed fully in your decision." "In life, my son, you will face a great value of decisions that have to be made. Some seen as bad, but some seen as good. Some seen as morally questionable, while others morally reasonable. The matter of right or wrong becomes extremely gray in these decisions, Artemis. There is no right or wrong in ruling a Kingdom. There is only making decisions and living with them. Picking an outcome and facing the music it creates. There will never be a peaceful decision. And there will never be a chaotic decision. There is only a general decision. One that you have to break down and weigh out. Weigh out the goods vs the evils. Examine the pros and the cons. For a Kingdom isn't run with Yin without its Yang. There is never a right decision. There is never a wrong decision. There is only....What is best. And what is best? Will always be what you truly believe to be best. For if you don't believe it? It will never be true. Sometimes, Artemis? You must believe in something others are against. Not because you have to, but because you truly believe in it. It's actions like that which I took in marrying your Father, against my Kingdoms wishes. Yet, in the end? I was rewarded with two precious sons. There is no right or wrong in ruling. There is only deciding."
The King was shook awake from his slumber, feeling the cold air of wind coming from an open window in the Throne Room. He had fallen asleep, seeing as how things were so quiet. Now fully awake, he would close the window with his magic, taking a moment to gather his now awake thoughts.
"There is no right or wrong. There is only deciding....."
"Thank you, Mother."
Post in: Lore
6 people like this.
Lord Somber
Been a bit since I did Lore's based in Artemis' Childhood Teachings. Let me know if you'd read more of these if focused on his growing up phases. Gives good excuses in showing off his Parents.
Like January 5, 2024
Stickman, The Normal Stickian
Looks great! I need to do more friendship letters myself lol. Got some to catch you guys up on :P
Like January 5, 2024