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Captain Sky N Nova
by on August 6, 2024
Sky sat behind the window of a booth that had been made out of a 40 foot shipping container, a wide range of scientific instruments haphazardly stacked up behind him. He'd look around at everyone in attendance, or at least as many as he could see, the dracony saying "Free vibe checks, get your vibe checks here." as he waited. Beside the window was a sign which had to following written on it in red spray paint stencil lettering.
This is a free service.
First come first serve.
Satisfaction is not guaranteed.
The Center of Vibe Checks and Vibe Realignments will not be held responsible for failure to realign vibes or any other damages.
Should you accept these terms and conditions please follow all instructions.
Warning: Side effects may include: Polytronic quantum phazoid flux, quintonium diptheraloid syndrome, multi-spectral coat discombobulation, and powder skeleton syndrome.
4 people like this.
"I Guess I'll Enter this, From a Fellow half Drgon to another half Drgon" Cotton said, standing in line to wait for her turn after some Random and..Crazy pony.
Like August 6, 2024
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Cotton Did just that, Not even questioning it one bit as She seemed calm about this ?
Like August 6, 2024
Captain Sky N Nova
Sky would attach numerous suction cups to Cotton's head, then he'd look at some machine just out of sight which was making a number of computer noises that computers didn't actually name. "Hmmm....good vibes all around. Looks like you passed the vibe check."
Like August 6, 2024
"Is that....Good ?"
Like August 7, 2024
Sprouting Bulb
"Does doctor-patient confidentiality apply to this? Or at least honor among thieves?"
Like August 6, 2024
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Sprouting Bulb
"Oh, cool! Not sure what that means, but cool!" She put her disguise back up as she stood up.
Like August 6, 2024
Captain Sky N Nova
"It means my work here is done. At least with you. Mostly because you don't need help."
Like August 6, 2024
Sprouting Bulb
"Thanks. Hope to see you again, you seem cool."
Like August 6, 2024
Snow Storm
"Yo! Vibe check me, my guy."
Like August 6, 2024
Captain Sky N Nova
"One moment if you please. I'll get to you shortly."
Like August 6, 2024
Captain Sky N Nova
Sky would then return to Snow, waving her over. "Alright I think I can get to you now. Come here, we got science to conduct!"
Like August 6, 2024
Snow Storm
They trot over happily and take a seat. "Oh boy!"
Like August 6, 2024
Bright Brave
Bright didn't trust dragons. And this whole booth looked like a front for a serial killer. But in keeping with the spirit of carnival, he decided to give this vibe check a try. Just in case, he set his payload to a deadmans trigger. The war horse stepped up to the booth, and spoke the words of the ... View More
Like August 6, 2024
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Captain Sky N Nova
Well Sky wasn't Suzie, Sky was a scientist! But despite all the equipment hooked up to that chair, all Sky really had to do was shine a laser at Bright's head and let the hardware do the rest while he looked at an old black and white TV. "Ok lets see.... Elevated paranoia, some PTSD, other trash....... View More
Like August 6, 2024
Bright Brave
"Oof. Oof Oof Oof Oof Oof. That equipment is pretty good. At least I'm taking a vacation next week."
Like August 6, 2024
Captain Sky N Nova
"Then thats my job done. Now make room for whoever is next in line."
Like August 6, 2024