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Honeymoon Crescent
by on January 4, 2025
Name: Honeymoon Crescent.
Appearance: As you can see Honey is a bat pony, she has dark gray fur, yellow eyes that could pierce~ through your soul, she has quite a long white tail follow by a two-toned mane mostly white, but in the middle piece of her mane is light yellow. She has a full set of Lunar Armor that she wears whenever she’s on duty which is most of the time, she only wears her helmet if she’s going into battle.
Personality: There’s two sides of Honey just like a coin, she has her seriousness side and a playful side, but these sides are known to overlap each other especially when Diana and Aurora are around~ Diana and Honey can’t help but tease Aurora whenever they get an opportunity or see a opening. Most of the teasing is playful flirting. Honey isn’t as quick to anger as she used to be during her youth, but thanks to training and meditation she’s more relaxed.
Occupation: Captain of the Lunar Guards, Fifth Personal of King Artemis and Queen Lesa, she’s also a Huntress.
Abilities: Honey’s skill at wielding a dagger is on par with Velvet Sweets, she’s quite skilled at handling a spear as well. If things get personal like if her opponent managed to disarm her or she didn’t have her weapons on hand, she’s very good at close quarters fighting so don’t let her good looks fool you! Outside of combat Honey is quite sharp minded managing to pick things up rather quickly playing it strategically no wonder why she got promoted to Captain of the Lunar Guards.
Likes: Females, Working Out, Training, Chess, Apples
Neutral: Males, Fashion
Dislikes: Law Breakers, Bullies, Coffee
Romantic Interests: Currently single, but~ there might be two ponies in her line of sight. A cute witch and a very fortune mare.
Family: Unfortunately… both of her parents are no longer alive due to a very horrific incident.
Fears: It isn’t as huge as it used to be, but being left alone.
Backstory: Manehattan that’s where Honey was born she lived quite a normal life with her parents, but her happiness was about to come crashing down. She was only ten years old when it happened…. Thugs broke into their house Honey’s mother asked her daughter to go hide somewhere safe and at first it started off as a simple robbery, but it quickly escalated when Honey’s father put up a fight…. When the aftermath was over Honey was thrown into an orphanage her once happy life was no more and she swore she would have her revenge! But revenge wouldn’t bring her family back from the grave…
Four years had passed by since the accident and Honey still had nightmares about it, she remembered every detail about that horrible night and it only fuelled her to push herself. She didn’t hate anyone from the orphanage they were all so kind and welcoming it made her feel at ease, but being stuck here wasn’t apart of her mission so one night she snuck out and never returned, but considering how nice everyone had treated her at the orphanage she did leave behind a note before adventuring out to begin her journey in finding the scumbags who hurt her family.
Two years into her journey she found herself working as a waitress at a bar in Manehattan it was the perfect place to gather information and considering she had sharp hearing skills due to her being a bat pony she could easily listen to conversations from a distance, she might’ve been underage to work in a bar, but this bar didn’t really ask questions…. Eventually all her information gathering would pay off she finally had enough information to find her target, she was successful in tracking down her target, but she couldn’t do it…. She had her target pinned down on the floor with a knife dangerously close to his neck, but she couldn’t do it! She wanted to, but she couldn’t… perhaps it was her subconscious telling her not to. In the end the scumbag did live, but was thrown into prison later after someone anonymously leaving some evidence behind at a local police station. 
Two years later Honey found herself in the capital city of Canterlot and at the time there were no Kings or Queens. Just two royal brothers looking after a Kingdom, Prince Solaris being the older brother and Prince Artemis being the younger brother. Honey needed to find herself a new job, but finding a new job here in the capital city was quite difficult… whenever she went she was turned away nobody was willing to hire her until a flyer caught her eye it read “Join the Lunar Guards today and become apart of our family.” Letting out a soft sigh before nodding her head Honey made her way towards the Castle to join up that’s if she passes the entrance exam… she had nothing else to lose so she gave it everything she had! Her fighting still needed work, but she had potential considering she was able to block and dodge most of her opponents attacks. Luckily for Honey she did pass the exam to become a Lunar Guard and she was going to work harder than she ever has before.
Six years later and with all her determination, hard work and sharp mind she became Captain of the Lunar Guards who knew she would reach such a important rank and at the age of twenty-four that was quite impressive and it didn’t go unnoticed either, but who noticed? For now they’ll remain hidden in the shadows and report it to Prince Artemis.
Post in: Lore