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Asuka Yakushi
by on January 6, 2025
After a long day of travel, Attack on Mango was happy to have made it to their hotel in Canterlot. With the holidays over, and a new year beginning, it was time for Attack on Mango to finally make their move for the number one spot on the Equestrian music charts.
Juno unlocks the door to the suite the band will be staying in for their stay in the capitol. It's a snazzy 2 bedroom suite with a small living room/kitchen area, 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, and a VERY luxurious bathroom. Not to mention the hot tub on the balcony. Who cares if it's below freezing outside? Temperature is just a number for citizens of Vanhoover.
Asuka and Scrappy get one bedroom, while Nar, Cookie, and Juno get the other. After placing his stuff in his bedroom, Juno heads back out into the kitchen area to look for snacks. He manages to find some complementary 'upscale' chips in one of the cupboards, but as he turns to head back to his room, something catches his eye. On the coffee table in the living room is a sealed envelope. They hadn't noticed it when they entered, but it had definitely been there when they got here. Juno approaches the envelope, and gingerly picks it up. He instantly recognizes the stamp on the seal.
"Guys." Juno calls out in an urgent, but calm tone. His bandmates emerge from their rooms one by one. Juno holds up the envelope, displaying the seal for all to see. Asuka's expression sowers, Nar's face becomes serious, and Scrappy looks like she's just seen a ghost.
It's the Royal Records emblem.
No words are spoken. Juno carefully opens the envelope, making sure to keep the wax seal in tact. He then pulls out the letter folded within, and begins to read.
"To the constituents of Attack on Mango,
You are formally challenged to a battle of the bands. This challenge is issued on behalf of Royal Records.
Should you accept, you will be expected to arrive at the Solaris Amphitheater, ready to do battle by 12 PM, on January 9th, 2025. Should you fail to arrive, or be unready by 12 PM, January 9th, 2025, you will forfeit the challenge, and thus, your careers. We hope you are prepared to suffer defeat, just as all who have opposed Royal Records before you have.
The Canterlot Symphony Battle Orchestra"
They've only just begun their fight for the number one spot, and it's already do or die. The entire band is silent for what feels like an eternity. While the others sport serious, or somber expressions, Scrappy looks as though she's about to have a heart attack. Little Cookie waddles over to hug Scrappy's leg in an attempt to help her calm down, but it doesn't appear to have any affect.
"They've been watching us for a while now. Probably since we left Vanhoover." Juno breaks the silence. Asuka, and Nar nod in agreement. "They even knew what hotel, and what room we were going to be staying in." Asuka adds. Juno immediately points to Nar. "Nar, you know Sending, right?" A quick nod is the response. "Tell Spot we need a secure place to practice." Nar's horn then begins to glow as he begins to cast a spell. Juno then points to the other two. "Absolutely NO band talk unless we're in the place Spot finds us. ESPECIALLY not here. No doubt they've bugged the suite."
Finally, Scrappy begins to speak. Her voice is shaky, and panicked. "The Canterlot Symphony Battle Orchestra is undefeated in battles! E-every band that's ever went up against them has always disbanded afterwards! A-and we only have two days to practice! How can we even beta them?!" Juno shakes his head. "Royal Records isn't known for playing fair. They're the biggest record label in Equestria for a reason. We're gonna practice like hel-" Juno stops himself. His eyes momentarily look to Cookie. "Heck... for the next two days. We can sight see after we beat them." Asuka nods. Nar gives a thumbs up, followed by "Spot's got us a place." Juno nods back. "Good. Then get some rest guys. The next 3 days are gonna be rough."
Post in: Lore
Topics: band, battle, challenge