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Asuka Yakushi
by on February 12, 2025
Asuka hates being right. Last night, she said she'd expected a call from Spot the moment the news got out that they'd won the Battle of the Bands in Manehatten. Sure enough, not 30 minutes later, Spot had booked them a flight back to Vanhoover, and sent someone to go drive their tour van back to Vanhoover for them. The Equestrian Music Society wanted to hold a ceremony for Attack on Mango to claim the number one spot on the national music charts ASAP, and Spot chose the next night. The last 24 hours have been a whirlwind for the four members of the band, but they've managed to make it to the Glorian Amphitheater in time for their ceremony.
9 PM, Glorian Amphitheater, Vanhoover.
The four members of Attack on Mango step out of a limousine in full concert attire. They step onto the red carpet leading into the building. A massive crowd is gathered on both sides of the carpet, only held back by a few golden poles, and the red, velvet ropes between them. Cameras flash, and fans scream for just a glance in their direction. The four friends stroll down the red carpet, smiling, and waving to as many fans as they can. The cheers coming from all around are almost deafening. They only get louder when the band finally makes it inside.
As Asuka enters the amphitheater, only one thought crosses her mind. 'This place is WAY over capacity. The Fire Marshall is gonna have a stroke.'
A sea of people crowds the amphitheater from end to end. At the other side of the amphitheater looms the massive, elevated stage with it's four massive screens, all now showing the band as they enter. On the stage stands one of the hosts of Equestria tonight, and a representative from the Equestrian Music Society. When she squints, Asuka THINKS she can see equipment for a band set up behind them. Splitting the sea of the crowd is a single, metal walkway, leading directly to a set of stairs that ascend the stage. The roar of the crowd echoes off of every surface in the amphitheater, increasing it's volume, and intensity tenfold. It's so loud that Asuka can't even hear herself think.
The host from Equestria Tonight lifts a microphone to her lips, and takes a deep breath. "Ladies and gentlemen! Let's welcome!-" She's cut off by another voice booming over the amphitheater's speakers. "Attack on Mango!" A new figure appears on stage following a magical vortex. Oh. Oh shit! That's the CEO of Royal Records! "Nobody has ever defeated Royal Records, and we do not intend for that to begin with you!" The CEO claps his hands, and suddenly, swarms of suited stallions with sunglasses crowd the walkway. The CEO is joined on stage by multiple of the suited stallions. Shit. Royal Records still has one last trick up their sleeve! If Attack on Mango wants the top  spot, they're going to have to fight for it!
The CEO opens his mouth to speak again. Instead, what comes out is a gasp, as he's lifted into the air. A lone guitar begins to shred a solo from behind him. His minions are suddenly kicked off of the stage, and he is thrown after them. Now, standing on stage are the members of Dragonautica. The screens behind the stage focus on their lead vocalist, Ryuji as his voice bellows over the speakers. "You mess with Attack on Mango, you mess with us!" He then turns to look to Attack on Mango. "We'll keep these assholes off the stage! Get your asses up here, NOW!"
The CEO's voice cries out from below.
Royal Record's mooks rush forward, and Attack on Mango charges to meet them. Well, except for Scrappy, who takes to the air, hoping to avoid the brawl entirely.
Fists fly, mooks careen into the crowd. Nar leads the charge as he throws combinations of punches, and kicks, knocking the mooks aside with relative ease. Juno pushes alongside him, helping to clear a path forward with Asuka behind them, picking off any of the stragglers. Above, Scrappy pulls of evasive maneuvers as pegasai, and gryphons rise to meet her. 
On the stairs up to the stage, a swarm of mooks rush up towards it, only to stop as acid showers down from above. When they look up, they see the crazed, murderous eyes of Steeltrap, and his frothing maw staring back at them. "Any of you Royal Records mooks try to come up here and I'll MURDER YOU!" One of the mooks is shoved forwards by the others, but he quickly retreats back into the swarm. Nobody is stupid enough to rush the black dragon who is more than crazy enough to commit mass homicide.
Down below, Attack on Mango charges onwards, felling any Royal Records mooks that dare to try and stop them. Nar takes the brunt of the resistance, with Juno, and Asuka managing to avoid the rest. As Nar takes punch after punch, he continues to charge forwards, undeterred. However, his injuries from his previous fight the night before begin to take their toll, and as Juno, and Asuka press on, he begins to slow.
On the stage, a pair of spotlights shine upwards as a majestic figure descends from the catwalks above. Dressed in the most regal, flashiest outfit anyone in the city had ever seen, Mandy Fullbright appears in Attack on Mango's time of need. Dressed to appear like the goddess she is, Mandy is handed a microphone, with which, she sends a message to not just the crowd in the amphitheater, but to everyone watching from all over Equestria.
"C'mon everyone! Attack on Mango is fighting hard to reach the top! Cheer them on! Here, and at home! Let them hear your cheers!"
"Let's show our number one band our support!"
The cheers of the crowd reach a fever pitch. The noise is so loud that seismographs in the city pick up the vibrations from the amphitheater as a minor earthquake!
In their Ponyville home, Betty, and Kisho Yakushi cheer their children on, alongside their granddaughter. The excitement of the event makes the two feel like teenagers again. Cookie jumps up and down in front of the television as she cheers for her papa, auntie, and uncle to win.
In the band's home, Deena clenches a fist. "Come on! You've worked so hard for this! Don't stop now!"
In the back seat of a luxury car, Ruby screams at her phone screen as she watches her former bandmates charge towards number one. Thankfully for her driver, there's a soundproof window between them.
The band continues their charge towards the stage, but...
A fist collides with Nar's jaw, and he is sent reeling to the ground. Asuka tries to stop to help him up, but the Royal Records mooks begin to surround her. Juno stops, and turns to assist her, but now, the two are bogged down.
A figure pushes through the crowd. Steve slams his hands into the metal walkway as he shouts in Nar's ear. "C'mon Nephew! Get up! You can't let these mooks beat you!" Nar groans as he attempts to rise, but is simply unable. Another figure pushes her way through, coming up beside Steve. Aroma waves her hand over Nar's face frantically. "C'mon Nar! Get up! You have to impress that girl you have a crush on!" Nar doesn't move. A third figure muscles his way to the walkway. Beside the two, Artuo shouts some words of encouragement.
"Free, all you can eat nachos if you win!"
One second, Nar is on the floor. The next, he's barreling through the Royal Records mooks with a mighty roar. Asuka and Juno find themselves freed as Nar bulldozes a path through the mooks, up to the stairs. Like a man possessed, he tosses mooks aside like ragdolls. Anyone not fortunate enough to be tossed is trampled beneath his feet, followed quickly after by Asuka, and Juno.
The crowd's cheers somehow manage to grow even louder. It's as if the city itself is cheering for it's number one band!
The last mook is thrown from the stairs, and Nar's feet reach the stage. Asuka and Juno follow close behind, and Scrappy lands beside the three as they all take up a position at the center of the stage. The Equestria tonight host claps enthusiastically a she begins to approach the four. Dragonautica's song finishes, and Juno motions for them to join the band. Attack on Mango, and Dragonautica wrap their arms over each other's shoulders, and form a line. Between Juno, and Ryuji, Nar's head drops as he appears to lose consciousness. The host lifts her microphone. "Ladies and gentlemen! For the first time in forty years, a band from Vanhoover has made it to the top of the Equestrian music charts!" She pauses for a moment to gather herself before continuing. "Your new, number one band in Equestria!"
"Attack on Mango!"
For nearly a whole two minutes, the only noise to be heard is cheering. On the stage, the two bands celebrate together with cheers, fist pumps, swaying, hugs, jumping up and down, and all other manners of celebration! Juno and Ryuji sway side to side with Nar between them as they loudly sing "We are the Champions." Asuka swings Wiggy around, who howls with joy. Sapphire lifts Scrappy onto her shoulders, and flares her wings, which Scrappy copies. When the two bands are done celebrating, they re-form their line, and the host asks one last question.
"Now that you guys are number one, how do you plan to celebrate?!"
Juno, Scrappy, and Asuka all look to each other before responding in unison.
"All you can eat nachos!"
Nar's head jerks up, and he lets out a weak cry of "Nachos!" before his head falls once more.
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